even though, I am tied to an anchor.
now when I die, the music that I wish to praise.
kingdom child and glory. his name is johnny.
the might is in your hand. a dying spirit of holy.
mother. auntie. sister. brother. let’s go.
on to the next verse. but I forgot the next line.
reversed. I am not the beauty, you are. I am the darkness.
my cane and your my light of life. my dead face and hand.
undead me. a mother of holy. this is not a love story.
immigrant from Europe country. I still can’t leave the country, of u.s.
America is starting to look like a fishbowl.
peripheral, who does a child pray to.
mother of grace, but you really are so beautiful.
a saged diva, she wanted to save me. maybe, I should of stayed.
na, it wouldn’t have worked. darn you, little grouch.