So Hey my names Kris or actually that’s my nickname I’m 15 years old and am suicidal a cutter bulimic anorexic mentally unstable girl. Let’s start at the beginning shall we? My shit storm of a life started in 7th grade where I was verbally and physically bullied by a 8th grader by the name of Leo it started out with the name calling teasing of my weight then it escalated to pushing shoving tripping sometimes kicking and punching but I endured it cause no one would believe me or so much as lift a finger to Stop it and then 8th grade came he was gone but his words weren’t the words glued to my mind and then the cutting started my freshman year the anorexia and bulimia started I am now eating one meal a day to keep my family unsuspicious and you know what else my parent’s are divorced Yeah dealing with the fights classic who do you love more parent move I live with my mom and now sophomore year is starting and I can’t wait to put on fake smiles and hide the cuts and say I’m just not hungry but it’s life and until I get the courage to slit my throat and end it I just have to suck it up and deal
It’s a terrible existence having that low of self esteem, especially when it was brought to the surface by some immature idiot. My parents are divorced as well, but I hated my dad so I don’t think I could offer much consolation there. I really don’t know what to say, I can’t offer much advice on the anorexic or self cutting things, but if you want to talk i’m here.
No my dad was a shit excuse coming home drunk and yelling it was to the point that he was almost getting ready to smack us around so it’s alright I know you can’t really help with the rest my friend has tried and its sad because he knows I’ll just start again but Thanks I’ll talk if I’m struggling with anything
That was my dad, though he didn’t hesitate on smacking someone around or throwing/breaking something. I never quite understood bulimia. I know what it is, but I never understood the reason behind doing it. If you don’t mind could you explain it to me?
My reason for doing it was basically I want to be thin pretty to fit in with all the other thin girls at my high school I think pretty much every girl or guy who has this looks at themselves in the mirror and just sees it as not being thin enough to be considered pretty well that’s how I feel can’t speak for the others we all have different reasons for doing it
It’s something mental, I know, I could just never grasp it. I’ve know people who were like that and they just looked horrible. Because they were constantly throwing up, their teeth began falling out, and they just looked terrible. Any real guy/girl appreciates a man/women for theirselves. Not how they look. I was the quintessential jock when I was in high school, but I never once let someones looks go over their personality. I never had the cheerleader girlfriend. They likely wouldn’t have won prom queen, but I didn’t care, I liked them for them. You need to get rid of those people that care only about looks. And as hard as it will be, you need to become comfortable in your own skin. In the end, it’s you who has to be happy with you, not them.
Why are / were we being bullied? There is so much data avail now in text books, online etc. to help kids and adults protect ourselves from bullies.
Words to say, Actions to take to curve being bullied. I responded to another person like you. I will try to copy /paste my comments or maybe you will find it if you are reading others who talk about being bullied.
You have to take an active role to put a stop to it! If you’re family is not coaching and training you to protect yourself, there are tons of info out there that I found very useful when I read up on the issue.
I have a kid–7 yrs. old and since she was 3 yrs. old, I observed little bitches and little bastard kids–AGE 3 bullying the other little kids around. I knew it was out there but I was shocked that it started so young. Oh, here’s another news flash: it goes on all through adulthood too.
So get tough! Set your own policies! To hell with any parent or any school or coaches a kids to turn the cheek. This will most definitely weaken you to into a position of continued and constant bullying. I’m not saying grab a gun a pull a columbine. I’m talking about using choice words to respond to comments and to be ready to pull out a can of whip ass if someone puts their hands on you. Win or loose. You have to stand your ground. The bully will not fuck with you again if you make it difficult for them to bully you and if you expose that they are a bully. They will look for some other submissive person. But your job isn’t done there because being a bystander doesn’t fly. You have to step up and stand in between the bully and the victim–be the leader that all the other kids are too scared to be. If you get suspended from school for a few days or grounded by your parents or caretakers, so be it. Just hang in your room and do pushups, sit ups, step ups, and 50 other exercise to build strength and endurance. Get tough, take karate, work out, life weights–carry yourself with confidence! Do these things and the bully shit will stop real quick! School starts in a few weeks. YOu have a lot of time btw now and then to get on your A Game. You will go back to school in the fall with a new attitude. You are cool, decent and easy to get along with. But cross your path with this bully shit and you are going to flare up like a fucking rattle snake and bite them square in the ass!