Im new to this site but im hoping it will help me not feel so alone. Is there anybody out there who has ever cut? I’ve had a history of cutting for a few years, luckily I quit for the past year…. but today ended that. Old feelings came back and I added new scars to my body. I apologize if this sounds depressing. But is there anybody who can give me advice on how to quit once and for all?
It’s really simple actually. Just don’t take any sharp objects and slice your skin open.
As for the mental anguish that drives you to such lengths of insanity, well that’s a bit trickier to overcome. It took you 17 years to grow to hate yourself so much, so learning how to love and appreciate the person that you are will also take some time.
Try getting something to take care of like a kitten, a puppy, a hamster…. whatever. Nurturing another living creature and watching it grow will help to take your mind off your problems. Plus you’ll likely develop an affinity for the animal and learn to find more worth in life… including your own.
That was really pleasant to read. Thanks.
hello there and first i have to say you are not alone here may not be the best place though i highly recommend depressionforums they have a wonderful self injury board and a vast community as well as a members chat that usually has a few people lurking about
self injury is a very tough habit to escape from theres a power in seeing a source of pain when constantly battling an invisible enemy. My sister has struggled with it herself for years and what worked for her was finding a creative outlet to pour all of the overflow of emotions into.
what works for one may not work for another but it cant hurt to try i mean worst case is nothing changes and farther along and more experienced who knows maybe your pain could fuel the next great work of art or break through. though the road may be distant and the sky may be gray there is always the possibility of greatness if you can make it through
Thankyou for the advice, Its just so shameful and embarrassing letting anybody know about my depression. I like the idea of community im just shy I suppose, ill look into it though, thanks
i have been a member there for years now and there really are some wonderful people there.
I was pretty embarrassed at first about my depression as well i think its because of the perceived social stigma towards the topic but as you open up more it gets easier and you will notice that more people than you really think are dealing with depression of some sorts i mean the overall look of the world seems pretty gloomy right now and theres nothing to be shameful about it happens to everyone.
and as resitay stated it took you 17 years it will take time to break the cycle
have you opened up to any friends? some people will really surprise you given the chance