Since many years,the world had been control by a group of elite families,their objective?complete control of the world,introduce a fascism way more worse than the past one.thousands of cameras in the cities,,new 2014 chips inserted in kids to ensure their security,television and football to take away the atention from the real problems..The most powerfull families cleaning the path for the arrival of the antichrist,he will come in form of hero,intelectual and you know God.The majority of the people would believe in him,if you dont you would be persecuted and isolated ,they will call you insane.When every single one is brainwash and in total sumision,the antichristt will reveal himself and an era of darkness and complete opresaion will come.
what are you on?
did you try smoking the bible again?
Sorry! NOT supposed to be question marks, I tried to post using the crying/laughing emoji because that was the only way I could think to express my elation. userFAIL
Wait, you didn’t mention the reptilians or the chemtrails they use to cover up HAARP manipulation of geological and meteorological systems, causing earthquakes and tornadoes and stuff. What gives?
the chemtrails (and/or contrails), aren’t used to “cover up” HAARP…
reptilians are a potentially useful metaphor at best, and credibility destroying nonsense at worst.
We currently have the technology to levitate things with sound waves. We also have “sound cannons” which can induce cardiac arrest, designed for “riot control.” It’s not unreasonable to consider that the current level of technology could indeed induce geological and atmospheric events. Whether they can actually usefully target such things, is the real question.
One thing’s for sure: OP is not wrong about the global surveillance network.
But, you know… they’ve been calling all dissenters and any who challenge the system “insane” throughout history. Anyone who doesn’t “get with the program” is labeled “undesirable,” and those with the power to manipulate people’s options, do so, and they end up being cast out, ostracized, shunned, humiliated or publicly disgraced, discredited, “disappeared,” or even just flat out murdered.
This isn’t even new. It’s shocking to see so many people so willing to so casually trivialize all of these notions and concerns under an overly generalized blanket of dismissal.
I don’t trivialize concerns about surveillance state issues, or about the duplicity of corporate power. But once it gets tied into eschatology, my left eye starts twitching and the sarcasm switch in my brain gets stuck in the “on” position.
I do understand… but be careful w/ that sarcasm. I’ve seen far too many people blind themselves, and others, with it.
I generally like sarcasm, but it’s not so fun anymore when it puts an eye out.
…and, when i said “to see so many people so willing to so casually trivialize…” i wasn’t talking about you personally, or even limiting that to this site. I see that Everywhere, all the time.
There are still people out there who are completely certain that the U.S. Gov’t is “too incompetent” to pull off any type of successful diabolical scheme, and “would never do such a thing…”
But i suppose i have inherited the duty to spread the understanding that Hanlon’s Razor is actually quite fallacious (and actually, was originally intended to be sarcastic and humorous, not an actually legitimate rule for valid discernment).
Hanlon’s Razor states: “never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence.”
However: the malicious always know they can play dumb… but the incompetent would have no reason to represent themselves as malicious, and probably would not even think to do so.
Hanlon’s razor isn’t very sharp.
Mine is: never attribute to incompetence, what should more appropriately be explained by malice.
Leems segit.
One of the reasons why I questioned my orders, till I realised our guv’ment is too dumb to go with the flow unless we can find someone to offload all our milk to (which isn’t going to happen anytime soon). A change is coming, surely. Although I’m never one to go with the flow and would rather take an alternative route instead of following the rest of the sheeple to the slaughter.
Sort of like how they took down the last alternative music channel and replaced it with that inferior mainstream bullshit that plays Iggy Azalea and all those other ho-bags all day. Disgust.
Oh, the reason you can’t apply the safety to that M16A4 you salvaged is because you need to cock the working parts before the safety will engage. Remember that you can also remove the carrying handle and attach your own sighting system – just don’t put it on backwards like Glenn. Keep both eyes open as peripheral vision is paramount to FIBUA. You close your left eye to sharpen your sight picture, I’ll flank you from the left and you’ll be wearing that rifle on top of your head.
You’d better fuckin’ get ready, son. The NWO is coming, and they don’t give a shit if you’re with them or not – everyone will be deemed expendable.
I don’t know why anyone should worry about esoteric eschatological conspiracy theories when the government workers at that nuclear waste repository in New Mexico (you know, the one that got featured in the new Godzilla movie?) use organic kitty litter to shield all their radioactive waste. I mean, I wouldn’t even use that stuff in my cat’s litter box. That’s just crazy.
gov’t “workers” are just workers… just doing a job like anyone else. They’re not the one’s making decisions and pulling strings; they’re like the constructions crews that got blown up when the rebel alliance destroyed the death star.
The problem with this OP, is that it starts out trying to go in the right direction, but then faceplants when it brings “god” into the mix.
Check the evidence, throw away what doesn’t fit, and look at what remains. He’s not entirely wrong. But because he threw in some obvious fallacies, the whole thing gets dismissed like nothing, even though some of it isn’t false.
well isn’t that what they do though? Isn’t that by intent and design? They start out with the actual truth, and then intentionally mix in the craziest stupidest most nonsensical bullshit to make it all seem ridiculous. To obscure the truth within the bullshit and make it seem just as crazy and ridiculous by association. Make people completely dismiss the truthful parts as just one more nutjob conspiracy theory because of the obvious fallacies.
There’s a difference between a misguided person having a psychotic break, and an intentional disinformation agent provocateur.
But yes, those people infiltrate all relevant groups, add superfluous information, confuse and scare people, and then those people “flip out” and go around shouting things that most would consider “insane,” which gets that person discredited and dismissed as “crazy,” which allows the people dismissing the whole thing to easily create a cognitive barrier to further exposure to the same information: especially the true parts. And that is, indeed, the whole point of the disinformation campaigns.
The problem here is that i’m pretty sure the OP is not a disinfo “agent,” at least not intentionally… but this is classic “cointelpro” results, and it happens all over the place, all the time. Cointelpro is some crazy shit, and once a competent mind understands its purpose and scope, it’s pretty unsettling.
And actually, to further elaborate: we DO need a “new world order,” but not the one we’re getting. That’s all part of the classic Orwellian doublespeak.
We don’t need a bunch of fragmented and compartmentalized theologically premised countries always warring with each other (or rather, being easily exploited by those who benefit from them fighting each other) over archaic antiquated “beliefs,” we need everyone working together for the good of all, treating each other as “equals,” despite cultural differences.
The way the “elites” are doing things, involves manufactured conflict to profit from their “old-money” investments and holdings in the military industrial complex, as well as keeping people distracted by encouraging division and sponsoring violence, so they can just swoop right in and seize available resources, under the guide of “humanitarian aid” and “spreading democracy.”
You know the problem with democracy, right? It’s tantamount to “mob rule,” and if you keep people desperate and ignorant, the majority will vote to receive the “gifts” and “offerings” of the wonderful global police state masters, without realizing they are actually agreeing to enslave themselves. Thus, the elites have already conquered, occupied, and do control the majority of the planet’s societies and natural resources.
You have missunderstud me.You think im a catholic freak?,im not,not just writing about a very interesting conspiracy theory,which may want to research in.And yes i have smoke some joints with the holly bible papera,they taste glorious.
On one hand, i rather like the notion of using the bible’s pages as rolling papers, as a symbolic gesture.
On the other hand, that’s probably not a healthy type of paper to use.
I prefer simple glass, or hemp papers if i have to use papers.
There is one thing that all doomsday prophesies have in common: They’ve all been wrong.
People have been talking about the end times for…how long? Ever since humans have been around?
Conspiracy theorists love to speculate about how gloomy the future will be. Secret societies, hidden agendas, shadowy government agencies involved in covert activities, etc The pessimism over rides any sense of hope. The CT’s act like they’re powerless pawns trapped in a paradigm they cannot influence.
The powers that be are not impervious to asteroid strikes, meteor showers, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornados, etc. Their time on earth is just as limited as anyone else’s.
A defeatist attitude isn’t going to help implement the changes you’d like to see.
Eh. Who cares. We’re all gonna die. Might as well milk this ride for all it’s worth and quit worrying about stuff we have no control over.
The stuff i’m talking about isn’t about “end times” or “doom and gloom,” it’s about “fuck those fuckers! (and watch your back).”
The problem is that until everyone is on the same page of reality, we won’t have enough pawns to storm the castles.
We’re not completely powerless, but as divided individuals, we are… and humans aren’t nearly as bulletproof as ideas.
If you kill the 10% of the population willing to embrace an idea, the idea goes away.
If 99% of the population embraces that same idea, the 99% can revoke the power of the elites, even by force, if necessary. They can’t kill us all without ruining their own system.
Unfortunately, nowhere near 100% of the proletariat is on the same page, or carrying the same idea. Well… unfortunate for us, anyway.
If you wanna save the world, have at it.
I’d rather sit on the couch. If the revolution is televised I might watch it. (But only if nothing better is on).
Saving the world wasn’t my original goal. My naturalistic and simplistic goal, as it turns out, is being thwarted by a global conspiracy. If i do what i want to do (which helps me without harming anyone at all), teams of armed mercenaries will attempt to kidnap me under false justification and illegitimate authority, and throw me in a cage for a very long time (probably the rest of my days, since i don’t intend to remain alive in a cage any longer than i have to; i was already leaning toward checking out anyway. There’s no way i’m going to allow myself to be tortured even more; my life has been torturous enough already).
Oh, ok. Good luck with that. (No sarcasm meant).
It’s not about saving the world. It’s about choosing which stat column to put my +1.
All I know is that the next time I have to stand in line at the BMV or DMV, I’m going to instigate a violent riot inside the building. I bet it wouldn’t be hard.
No man, no… uff, retard.
Even if what you’re saying is true, we can’t do anything about it. BTW, it’s not.
Everything prior to the word “antichrist” is actually true, with the arguable exception of “chips in kids.” I haven’t heard of human children being “chipped” yet, but i know the technology exists and is already being used in pets… not to mention the RFID tags that are integrated into just about every product available for purchase.
Everything from “antichrist” and beyond, is speculation through theological filters… but the “bad guys” do have a tendency to use “confidence tricks” to gain the support of many followers, along paths of their conquest, so that “seen as a hero” and that “demonized for dissenting” part, isn’t so far fetched. For examples, look at Hitler and his ilk. Look at any nation’s current leader(s). Look at every POTUS since JFK. Convincing the majority of a nation’s populous to go along with your plans for them, is “par for the course.”
The thing that throws it all off is the “god” and “antichrist” and “end times” stuff. Make no mistake, their goal is not to end the world, but to end the world as we’ve known it, and usher in a “new world order,” over which they reign supreme and untouchable… kinda like they’re already doing right now (hence all the “there would be nothing we could do about it anyway” sentiment).
The military industrial complex has been out of control for a long time already. Eisenhower warned us about this… but it seems that most people are oblivious to reality (i would assert that this is in fact “done by design”).
Oh well, as you were.
lol i love you