I am a depressed 34 year old white male in good shape living in San Francisco on SSDI. If there are any females who want to hang out, please reply and we can exchange emails. BTW, I have a full head of hair if that’s important to you.
yoohooo pdog (; you sound sooo cayooot. question is do you have hair where it counts? I love men with hairy asses. *swoon
asses money and six packs all day. if you have those characteristics I will consider continuing our little repartee.
I’m in good shape killswitchon but don’t have a full six pack like I did when I was in the ARMY back in 2000. If you live the the SF bay area, and we can meet if you like. I am just a depressed but somewhat normal guy who can play the guitar Extremely well. (no joke on that one)
Excuse the grammar mistakes, in a hurry now….
You might want to clarify that the head full of hair that you own is indeed attached to your body, otherwise you are risking people imagining a bald guy holding a bloody head (with beautiful and glorious long hair) in his lap while he types on SP.
you are Excused but i’m not sure this is the best place to look for a date/partner have you tried eharmony or zoosk unless you into suicide chicks
I’m tempted to bring “harsh reality” and “brutal honesty” into this… but i have a feeling “it goes without saying.”
…and frankly, i’m shocked that this thread hasn’t erupted into a cascade of victim-minds accusing the OP of being a “predator.”
He probably put this up for kicks, but he stated his age, so I would assume he’s looking for women around the same or at least past the legal adult age of 21.
Ah, but aren’t depressed female adults still “vulnerable” and therefore need protection from “predators?” (or rather, just depressed lonely unfortunate dudes who want to find a person with whom to enjoy spending time)
I have no idea, but I would imagine that once anyone is of legal age it’s their own responsibility to look out for themselves.
18-year-olds can’t drink alcohol in public, can’t go to clubs, etc. Plus they don’t have access to other rights and privileges. I consider the age of 21 to be a fully legal adult in the U.S. for these reasons.
(I realize they still do these things with fake I.D.s or whatever. I do think that these laws are a bit much, they should really lower the drinking age.)
drinking wasn’t mentioned
I know but who would want an 18-year-old g/f if you couldn’t even go to bars and nightclubs with her? I mean, I wouldn’t, I don’t know about anyone else.
But whatevs. I just meant that 21 is considered as the age where you can live without the former restrictions.
(I don’t have an opinion on whoever the OP wants to date, that’s just me.)
I stopped reading at “Who would want an 18-year-old girlfriend…”
Unless you’re in that age group. (Which I’m not.)
I’ll be 34 in a few weeks, but i don’t drink. I have no interest in going to “bars,” or consuming any amount of alcohol in any location. Is it okay for me to consider an encounter with a willing 19 year old? (honestly prefer them closer to my age or even older, but “beggars can’t be choosers” right?)
The only thing i wouldn’t find appealing about an 18yo gf is an inherent degree of immaturity… and a likely insatiable desire for material possessions.
I’m not looking for a trophy to show off, nor to be shown off like a trophy/freak/whatever. I would strongly doubt that any 18yo female would be sufficiently compatible with me, and would not expect myself to be seen as appealing enough for anyone at that age (and i’m not just being too hard on myself…)
@Clevername Idk, as long as they’re legal I suppose it’s all a matter of opinion. I’d prefer 21+, but that’s just me. “The only thing i wouldn’t find appealing about an 18yo gf is an inherent degree of immaturity…”
I’d agree with you there.
I haven’t dated some one my age since I was basically in high school. Never dated anyone older either..
At least not that I can remember…
…Just saying
This whole thread is making ke lonely.
*me^ :p
This is all hypothetical of course, since it’s implausible that i’ll ever date anyone else. Just wanted to make a little point. 😉
Why, did you lose your genitals in some sort of horrible accident or something?
^^ Haaa
Nope. But possessing functional genitals does not equate to being eligible for dating.
The OP will be back on here tomorrow expecting replies and e-mail addresses from lots of women, oh well what did he expect.
I too have a full head of hair it’s just someone elses hair, ie a toupee, only joking although I’m thinking of getting one as I’m losing mine at an alarming rate now; question, do women prefer a toupee or a comb-over?
Well ill be a sum of a biatch!!
Is hair really *that* necessary in the eyes of womenfolk? I had a pretty full head of hair a couple days ago, but I went all Edward Scissorhands up in that ***** and now have a regulation, Gunny Hart approved buzzcut. And fuck having a cowlick do or something like that, just…hair me out, mkay?
More concerning would be a man in his thirties who has no hair on his chest. That’s just…not even, eah. But OP (evidently) has the chest hair of the Gods. Well done.
Would you have sex with a bald girl? Just answer that question
Yep. Who’s that chick from Doctor Who that shaved her hair? Ah damn, she’s pretty sexy. 11/10 – Would do without a do.
Sounds like an argument I had sometime back about long vs short hair on women – anyone can wear long hair, but it takes an exceptional chick to rock little to no hair at all. That’s…Mmm… Hoo-ah.
I don’t watch doctor who, I’m not a nerd with terrible taste
lol… sorry.
I don’t watch it either, I saw her on something else and noticed she acted on that as well.
Yes. No explanation required.
@takeeverything Doctor Who is great. Heathen.
I like grrls with Mohawks. Hot.
Like Shep says, some chicks can pull off entirely shaved heads as well.
I like the whole concept of the show and have seen the spin-off Torchwood (which was awesome) but never the main series. Also – who else thinks Freddie Burns (English rugby player) looks like Matt Smith (the retiring Doctor)?
Once saw a chick with liberty spikes whilst walking in the city – *sizzles*
Terrible character development, special effects, writing, etc; lame bad guys, good guys, uninspired ideas prrrrrfffffttttttttt
Damn. Shep and I seem to have the same taste in women. We’ll have to draw lots as to who gets to approach who. You see the dark-skinned beauty with the pixie cut in the corner? I call shots on her, and it is with reluctance that I’ll let you have first dibs on that Norwegian blonde. *sigh* Good luck.
atrocious acting as well weak script, predictable as a fart, lame, I don’t see how anyone could enjoy doctor who
hey, but the daleks are cool, I only really liked the 60’s star trek and perhaps the first series of space 1999.
the daleks aren’t cool
daleks fail
…SEEN. The Nordic beauty’s all mine (gotta love ’em shimmering light skinned, cold-eyed beauties – ooh wee). Chocolate pixie looks delectable. Well done.
I’ve always had a thing for milk chocolate (the best of both worlds as I call it) and always appreciate a diverse mixture in not only looks, but personality as well.
@Shep Agreed on both counts. You’re a very sensible fellow. I couldn’t think of a better team member to compete with when it comes to womanizing. Mad respect.
this was good reading lol
i enjoyed r,eading this. Now dont go to moderation you comment
I’m glad you liked it.
never heard of Johnny Bravo
johnny bravo was the best cartoon ever
johnny bravo was a cartoon about a cheauvanist male who tries to get women
so we need to make a thread titled ‘men’.
Sounds good.
I like scandinavian men
Mmm I like black, or east European. They’re so fit and muscular! This thread wasn’t a happy hunting ground for the OP, was it (giggle).
you are Excused but i’m not sure this is the best place to look for a date/partner have you tried eharmony or zoosk unless you into suicide chicks
you are Excused but i’m not sure this is the best place to look for a date have you tried eharmony or zoosk unless you into suicide chicks