Hello everyone here.Iam a long time reader of sp, I just made an account and i have psychotic depression, paranoia, high anxiety and extreme mood swings for which im on medications now. I have attempted suicide twice in three years, was hospitalised like the rest of you.. I want the end i dont care how difficult it is to die i know one day i will do it. Im in love with a girl who is still stuck in her ex, I have a habit of making people my life, so when they say or do something i dont like i get depressed. little things set me off. Im on olanzapine, and fludac and they are helping me, i did not get any counselling, any therapy only medications, the doctor is the best doctor around, and definitely he has made me feel better.but i need to get out of here and i want to just lay there dead, feel nothing at all, Im just too tired to get out of bed, im just too tired to do anything…
I hear you … tough stuff to deal with, but I’m glad the meds are helping. It’s hard being in love with someone you can’t be with too. I deal with it by … oh fuck I don’t deal well with it at all …
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Hello DeadGirlNotFound, I can relate to some of what you say for different reasons. I don’t know what to say directly. If I did, then it wouldn’t be having the same problems. Lol. So instead I propose we get out. Focus on what you ended on. Let’s go see a movie tonight or something. I have no friends to go with. And I hate going alone. So you pick a movie or something and go see it tonight then I’ll do the same where I’m at. Technically still not going with someone, but at least I’ll know a friend someone out there went “with” me. I needed to get out. And still do. Anything you been wanting to see out there? Then we can talk about how it was good or sucked later. Up to you. I’ll keep watching for a response.
I have friends but I dont wanna do anything with them,im just not in a mood 🙁 Nothing feels right
Talk to your doctor about it so that they can make sure you’re on the right meds at the right dose.
Sorry. I didnt mean to indicate you had no friends or anything like that. I know the mood you speak of. I have been reading your other posts and there’s a vibe in them all too familiar to me.
i see ..