Well, i was diagnosed with endogenous depression a couple months ago and i haven’t really been getting any better. Lately I’ve been struggling to eat; I feel like i’m going to puke at the thought of food, and having to force myself to eat makes me cry. I can’t handle more than a couple spoonfuls of food before I feel sick, and I just can’t understand why. Has anyone else ever gone through this?
I went through that with the food. It was when I first separated from my now ex. I dropped 20 pounds so quickly and am just now, three years later, beginning to get close to the weight I was at before (we were together 10 years, long story). Upside? Guys thought I was hot! Lol. Little did they know I just was very, very suicidal. Yes i had to force little bits of food down every day… I got down to a size zero. But I didnt want to starve to death, that sounds like a bad plan. I tried pills many times but it never worked.
Now? I oscillate between feeling better, but still have those days where I want to die. And in the past three years I have found a pretty much sure way. If I became obsessed with it again Im sure I would not fail at my next attempt (do not ask for details, i will not give out info like that to others, sorry).
I also lost all Interest in movies, TV, books. Just couldnt follow along and frankly, didnt care about the seemingly stupid and frivolous story lines. That has slowly gone away too.
I dont know what my future holds, but I hope I keep getting better. How will I feel in 3 more years? It sounds lihe a lifetime, but Ive been happy before and want to be so again.
But I am prone to “relapses,” where I think itll never really go away. Ill never really be happy. Why continue on? Idk.
I hope you get better too. :]
thank you :3
I haven’t so I can’t really relate to your pain but if you ever want to talk about it with someone, I’m here.
i think I may have seen a similar case in the past, are you on meds?
Yes, i’m currently on quetiapine
Side effects of the drug I’m afraid, I’d urge you to contact your doctor.
I’ll make sure to do that. Thank you