It’s too late for me I’m already damaged goods. I’m nothing but a concoction of regrets and despair. My insides are full of darkness. Wallowing in despair plotting my own demise smiling is my best disguise. People keep telling me to “keep pushing it gets better” and when it doesn’t they say it again but they never really mean. I ask them “what for?” and they tell me “because that’s just how life is. Well I don’t enjoy “life” and I never really have. Disappointment after disappointment embarrassing moments always feeling uncomfortable. I guess thats just how it is when you’re a foster child, constantly dealing with people who don’t love you unconditionally, always trying to find “your space” but ultimately invading someone else’s. All for what for a few happy moments. The human experience is so finite and honestly not worth it.
Heartshaped, I can only begin to imagine the difficulty and pain of the situation you describe. You describe it very well — your intelligence and feeling come through strong and clear. Somehow this quote comes to mind, though I know – really do know — the feeling of it all not being worth it. Yet here from the outside, this comes to mind:
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.”
~ Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Thanks for sharing this
Sweetness you are loved by god who created you for his love to shine into this horrible miserable disgusting world! This touched my heart in so many ways! I dont understand your pain but I do sympathize with you! I was a foster parent I tried to help a 15 yo young man who had bounced from home to home! I failed him miserably because he was so troubled I could not reach his heart to help him! They took him from my home to juvenile detention. He probably never got the help he really needed! Praying for you!!!