3 o clock in the mourning,about to fall completely sleep when the shadow of a man walks through my bedroom,he walks and walks for minutes,a big shadow,scary as shit,dont talks or makes any noises,just walks for minutes.I am too scare to shout,my body is completely paralized,as if the venom of the black spider dances through my blood,what if that spectral shadow is evil,i watch it for minutes just walkin,paranoid like if he is waiting or searching for someone,then the worst part of the ritual that starts at least one day per moth starts.The entity sits in my bed right beside my feet and starts to touch them gently,like if touching them calmed the dark mind of this thing,he touches and touches for minutes,i am sweating badly,my heart is nearly getting out of my chest,shouting,run!get up and run! But my mind says ,dont move a finger.After 2 minutes of intense goosebumps the creature stands up and puff! Dissapears in the middle of the dark ….
– how many times has it happened?
– do you know who the shadow is?
– have you told anyone about these occurrences?
– most of all, i’m sorry that you must go through this ON TOP of everything else. that’s incredibly creepy and gross…
My God, my friend. This is rather serious. You should talk to someone about this creeping situation quickly. Anyways I am here if you feel you are too scared of being alone.
It’s a disembodied human though, right? Not a reptile.
Have you heard of sleep paralysis?
Maybe check it out and see if you’re similar to others…I have that kind of thing happen more frequently than I’d like to as well.
…Scary shit.
I am so sorry – these episodes can be terrifying. It could be an iteration of sleep paralysis or even the beginning stages of an OBE. Even though an OBE can be a wonderful and freeing experience the transition can be frightening and your mind can produce what seems like a nightmare in an attempt to rationalize the fear.
Do you by any chance hear a loud “buzzing” during the most intense parts of the episodes? This can be indicative of an OBE, and if you are not actively pursuing this kind of experience it might be in response to some trauma you have experienced and that you are trying to escape from. I would certainly talk to someone that is at least familiar with para psychological experiences but that is also a competent therapist.
I hope you can resolve this.
I think you may be right-it really rings true for me,anyway. I had a period in my life (19 yrs old)where I kept having terrifying experiences involving waking up with my face touching th ceiling-my head sideways- and being paralyzed.I could see the room.Saw myself. It scared the hell out of me. I was certain it was evil.That it was a demonic thing,and it reallllly freaked me out.Id try to move,try to yell…I would feel myself break through finally with my voice and be in my bed again.Then id go into my roomates room and cling to her the rest of th night. I now believe it wS an OBE ,and my parents child -terrorizing god trip tainted them all with fear of the Prince of Darkness-damn them. I never saw him,but I felt he was there…I was doing a lot of acid again at that time,too,and that prob had me sort of opened up to experience something like an OBE. I never felt alarmed by a demonic presence while tripping,either,but th OBE was so powerful and drastically different,that I think I attributed it to something evil automatically in my mind… I wish id been able to go with it,and explore …Satan ruins everything:)
Nephilim. Mine is a very very long armed and legged torso of a malnourished corpse with a giant hairy huge tongued hyena like head. The demons are the old men of great power. Not just biblically but historically.
HEYLEL.He is a motherfucking big shadow ,1 80cm.JUst like strange,bbright black,strange sound and atmosphere,the buzz of like a strange mutant bea sounds.Same fucking spectral routine.1 month,my friend.Come to slleep in my bed and you ll see,free show