Why does this happen to me? Why does this happen to us. I’m tired of the scars uprising, but I cant seem to hide. Love ain’t the answer. Death won’t pick up the phone when I call and all I ask is why me? Do people really care or is it all a show we are supposed to give into? My souls been annihilated & death still won’t take me… Where did I go wrong? Was being born not supposed to be? Is this punishment for my parents mistake? I don’t fucking get it one bit. They gone and everything in my life is gone too, so what now? Why do you still continue to come at me?
I dont get this shit one bit. I thought I understood stuff and about life well fuck its still terrible. I am one of those who bielives Im going to hell if I kill myself. I dont even care reallly. Let it burn. You know.
meny pretend to care.to make themself look better infront of others.if they want someting from you.selfish ones.
what can we do wen we are born into a shit life?
We all die anyway in the end. 😉
i dont know what to say….im there for you