I’m so sad all the time… all I want to do is cry, it’s gotten so bad that I can’t control the tears anymore..
What’s wrong with me??? I need help.. but how? I tried telling my mom Im depressed.. but I couldn’t.. because she’ll ignore it and tell me to power through my phase.. I guess that’s what they should end off with at my funeral; she powered through
Obviously I don’t know how resistant your mom is to the idea of you getting help, but the fact that you’re thinking about death (however casually) would be a pretty major warning sign to any concerned parent, and maybe you need to tell her that.
If she doesn’t take it seriously, then look for outside help. There’s a whole range of options from medication to counseling to just talking things through with someone anonymously online.
I agree with “thehusk”.
Also, maybe, if you can, don’t think that being sad all the time and crying is wrong. It’s not. It’s called “being human”. This is what we do. Don’t power through it, but maybe jump in and be sad and cry..cry…cry..cry. It’s Ok..
“thehusk”… let me describe her briefly; when I asked if I could see someone about my anxiety, she told me it’s unnecessary and it’s just a phase. She also taught me all my life that no body needs to know my business because people are a waste and don’t care, also seeing someone would mean I’m broken and people will judge.
She controls my every move.. even though I’m over 18. I feel it would help if I spoke to someone in person rather.
Thank you for reading my post and caring *hugs*
Thank you Randall… I don’t feel human anymore… more lost than even.
Really hope you can find someone supportive and non-judgmental to help you in person, confidentially, and that you can work out an excuse to tell your mother while you do so.
If your doctor’s no good, or if you can’t afford therapy, are there any charities providing free counseling in your area? Or some kind of depression support group? Those are good ways to meet people who understand what it’s like, and if you find someone you get on with then you can meet up for a quiet chat. It can really help just to talk things through with someone who knows what it’s like.
Thank you so much… there are none in the area that I’m aware of, but I will find out and try to get help…
Thank you xxx