So, I’m 15 years old and I want to die. I only have one person in my life that genuinely cares about me. He’s the love of my life. My mom and dad are both in jail for possession of drugs. I have only seen my parents once. They were doing cocaine around me when I was only a few weeks old and then they were caught with it. I now live with my grandparents. They treat me decently but I’m probably not going to have them in my life much longer. They’re both in their 80’s. They don’t have the best health condition. After I lose them, I’m going to be an orphan and I am not looking forward to that day. My boyfriend is the only person I have right now. School sucks. People feel the need to bully me. I started to self harm when I was 11 and I tried to commit suicide 3 times but failed at all of them. Life really sucks. I just need someone to help me.
Oh sweetheart, my heart is just absolutely breaking for you. Do you have any other family, besides your grandparents that you know of or ever see? You are so young. Your life can change so much. It really sucks that your parents were so irresponsible. But… there are all kinds of programs and assistance out there for youth in your position to help you have a good future. I wish that I could somehow help you. I’m in Canada btw. Without sounding inappropriately creepy lol, can I ask where you are? If in the US, maybe just tell me the State? I’d just like to research a little what resources there are available to you in your area. Please remember sweetie, you’re SO young that you just can’t imagine what the future might hold for you. I’m a 41 year old mom of a daughter in her very early 20’s btw. I know how hard HS can be, because my daughter went through some years of being bullied and teased too when she was younger and it was just torture foe her. She got past it tho and tho she couldn’t imagine it then, now things are much better and she has tons of friends. So things do change when you’re so young! Don’t give up honey. Please! 🙂
Hi tiffany. Is there a teacher or counselor at school that you feel comfortable talking to? I’m a teacher too and I have students around your age. People shouldn’t be bullying you. Talk to your vice principal and get them suspended. Schools are trying to get tough on bullying, but you have to have the courage to report them.
I’m not sure.. I’ve never really checked but thank you for caring!
Hey Tiffany,
I haven’t heard back from you. How are you feeling? Okay, well I just wanted to check in and say hello and tell you that someone out there is thinking of you. 🙂
Write back please! Maybe you didn’t set this post to allert you to responses, which you can do at the bottom by selecting the option from the drop down menu to alert you when someone replies to your post. Okay sweetie, hang in there and I hope to hear from you.
Thanks so much for replying! I’m doing okay. Some days have been better. I’m from Ohio in the US. I don’t have any other family that I know of… Thanks for thinking of me (:
Well Tiffany, it’s good to hear from you. 🙂
I have to run out and take care of some errands today, but I’m going to do some research this week and see what I can come up with. I’m sure that there must be some sort of support set up for young people in your situation. I was going to go to a demonstration for animal rights a few years ago in Ohio, but didn’t end up going. The super long drive from Montreal scared me off!! Don’t know why I mentioned that…
Anyways, stay in touch and try to stay positive. You are young and your life can change so much and become something great that you would never have imagined. I’m thinking of you! 🙂
thank you so so much for caring. no one else does …