Tonight has an especially numb feeling. I can’t even cry anymore;I just want this world to end. I feel it should be optional to take your own life if you have no desire to fulfill it. The only question is… How?
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You know, this is going to be really lame but I hope you understand, ok you know the story of Cinderella right? Hope so. Anyway, what would have happened if Cinderella just gave up the night of the big dance and committed suicide? For one it wouldn’t have been much of a story, second Prince Charming wouldn’t have met her and became depressed his dad would die and he’d be more depressed and then he’d be stuck with Cinderella’s horrible step sister!! And then he would commit suicide and the whole kingdom would die!! That would be awful!! But if Cinderella would have wait a couple more hours, the rest of her life would have been amazing!! Anyway my point is that your death could cause someone else’s death and for all you know, if you do it or after you do it, you could have met your prince if you would have waited an hour or so!!( I’m sorry I don’t know if your a boy or not). But do you get my point?
That’s a different way of looking at it, but it makes sense. Nice analogy. Makes me think. Thanks for sharing that.
Welcome… Sorry that was kinda stupid but hey don’t judge! Hope every thing goes alright