In this life I have learned that being loved or belonging is an illusion. I have learned in this life that the way to get close to people is to be something they need. If some arbitrary trait isn’t proven or provided to others then a person is left lonely, disrespected, and unloved. I don’t know if I have ever felt real love or bonding with another human. I don’t know if I have known a person to be selfless and kind spirited without some ulterior motive. Whenever I put myself out there and begin to trust the world I am reminded of how truly selfish and horrible people are at their core. At the core of humanity there does not seem to be the benevolent and warm source of love, but rather a cold and cruel world ready to strip a person of all that they have without remorse or an iota of guilt. I have learned that this place is a place of continual suffering and pain. This is a land where people smile in your face and then turn around and say horrible things about you behind your back. This is a world of liars, thieves, and cowards. People that are arrogant and independent – that will be opportunistic at every turn.
Ahhh, it’s good to hear someone articulate how it truly is. The truth has been told, well done snowflake. It takes a while doesn’t it to truly understand human nature. It’s taken me 53 years to learn the lesson you so perfectly postulate.
Its in the human nature to do everything to survive. Sometimes that means to be egoistic. Why do people volunteer? To give them a purpose in life, to feel good about themselves.
It’s not the only reason you know tiyara. I did that stuff not to make ME feel good but to make SOMEONE else feel good…and that’s the god damn truth…but you know people are suspicious of that shit you know. They think you’re after something, it’s natural i suppose but with me I always had genuine intentions…always and that i’ll take to my grave no worries.
But I still think people feel good when giving something back to other people.
So, this is a tough post to make a comment on. It almost sounds like you’re subscribing to the Catholic theory that we’re all born sinners! We’re all born with original sin and damned to hell. Evil at the core.
My experience is that there’s two sides to every human. There’s the evil side that you speak of and that shows up more times than not. It’s the reason for this website. It’s the reason people want to jump off bridges, stuff a shot gun down their throat, blast bombs at each other..etc.
It’s my opinion there’s another side that prevents me from jumping. It’s the side that will have someone jump into a raging river to save a dog or run into a burning building to save a child. How do you keep this side upfront all the time so you don’t get sucked into the evil? That’s the 24,000 dollar question.
You speak of others as if your are not in the mix. And if you are not in the mix, then others are not as well, and therefore not everyone is like that. The majority, maybe. But even that is not proven. The majority of the people you know and deal with. Maybe. But that would indicate a sense if personal responsibility as to those we chose to around….responsibility isn’t a bad thing. Yes ppl are like that. Majority, I think not. Does it mean it doesn’t hurt when you get burned by one that is? No. It hurts. But I would hardly agree with condemning the world for the actions of a few. Makes you no better than them really. Even if everyone around you is part of the few…..essentially, choose better friends and ppl to be around. Choose more wisely. Ultimately, can only blame yourself for allowing others to affect you in this way. It’s a truth I have to live and deal with myself. Shifting blame doesn’t help,
Feed a pet food and it loves you… Until you cant afford to give it food. Users…..
they love you as a food source, not for YOU.
people love you because of money, and/or for their own benefit. They don’t love you for who you are
you know the wrong people!!
I know…
This is a topic I have been struggling with myself lately. Loving someone despite them not benefiting you is a difficult choice we must make constantly, but accepting someone because they have something to give you is easy. People generally choose the easy route. I would disagree that love and belonging are only an illusion, despite feeling very ‘used’ in my life.
Love springs from understanding. Why do you think people who have survived wars together become such good friends? Or couples who have lost children become so close to others who have as well? They share a common-understanding, common experience. Some lives simply meld together naturally.
I guarantee there are people on this site who would be best friends and/or life long lovers if the communication barrier could be broken. I have personally read some posts by people who I feel could be my very best friend, but I really have no way of contacting them?