I recently had my girlfriend (who I thought was the love of my life) somewhat leave me. I thought that she was the one, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. She made me so happy, that I couldn’t imagine life (or living) without her. When we first started dating, I felt the happiest that I have ever felt in my life. We were so in love, and she would look in my eyes and all of my problems went away. But now I just feel alone, I haven’t seen her in like two weeks, and she won’t reply to my texts, and I don’t know what to do. The pain hurts so much and I don’t want to have it hurt anymore. I’m so confused and alone.
I’m sorry for your relationship has ended, when it’s that special person, the one you believe is right for you, then you will feel broken and lost. There’s little else I can really say, the pain should decrease with time but you won’t think so right now, please give it time.
I can relate. More specifically, I can relate to this happening very recently. I know the pain you’re feeling. It’s absolutely unbearable. It makes you want to kill yourself, just to stop it. The hole in your chest, right where your heart should be, will continue to hurt for some time. But I’m telling you right now, one heartbroken man to another, that you are not alone. I wish I could offer better advice than what I’m about to give, but it’s all I have. I have only barely left that dark place, where all your pain, love, loss, self-loathing, and an uncountable number of other, conflicting emotions reside. What you feel is a self-destructive storm of such magnitude that it cannot be escaped. But it can be survived.
Take it from one who has stared down the business end of an instrument of death barely one week ago: don’t commit suicide today. That’s all you have to do. Just don’t do it today. Tomorrow will come, and it will bring all the pain and suffering you could imagine, and then some. Tomorrow, when you are faced with the same question, “Why should I continue to live?” remember that your decision is absolute and final. Think long and hard about those whom you’ll permanently wound with your choice to take your own life. And don’t do it tomorrow, either.
Take each day one at a time. Don’t even think about the future beyond the day your’re currently living, or you’ll drown in your own misery. Yes, time will heal your wounds. Yes, there’s someone else out there. These statements are self-evident but also useless to you, because what you’re experiencing isn’t bound by the laws of reason. Do not, I repeat, do NOT attempt to reason your way to a solution to your problem. Emotion is vastly more powerful than logic, and will simply override whatever good sense you have. Simply focus on living one day at a time. I promise you that the long night will end, and that the sun really is still on the other side of the earth, waiting to shine down upon you with all the love and warmth in the world. But you’ll see that soon enough. In the meantime, don’t take a single step toward the future. Your balance is faulty and cannot be trusted. Your limbs are too weak to carry you farther. The future is clouded and the present is dark. But there is hope. Keep your head down and inch towards daylight.
Thank you, I just try to keep the memory of her off my mind, but it just itches and stings on my brain like a parasite that won’t go away.
It’s very wise to avoid thinking about her. You might be miserable now but you will recover in time. Heck, I didn’t know I had recovered from my one-sided breakup until I posted the reply above. You can do it, man. Just hang in there. I’ll check back here every day until I see that you’re doing all right. You are not alone.
Thank you, I’m really glad I found this site. I actually found it while googling the most painless way to commit suicide, but it’s actually very helpful to feel free to open up without any hate, or negative comments. It shows that people are still nice and caring. I still have dark thoughts, but this website helps put them in perspective.
I found this site the same way, amusingly enough. I think I speak for many of us when I say that we understand what you’re going through, and that we’re here to listen, without judgment. Some days, you might feel better; others, you might feel worse. However, I can assure you that the overall journey will be ever upward, until you eventually find yourself free. I am not quite there just yet. It still hurts whenever I see her, feel sorrow whenever I think of her. But the pain is tolerable, now, and diminishing by the day.
You’ll make it through this a stronger person. Just remember, when you’ve recovered from this harrowing experience, that it’s OK to love someone with all your heart, even if this is sometimes the result. You still have a bright and joyous future ahead of you. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. I’ll check back tomorrow, man.
You still hanging in there?
Yeah, things seem to be getting better, just not at night when I’m alone.
I’m in the same boat. Getting better by day but still so very alone at night.