where did it all go so wrong. it wasn’t just one event but a build up a slow etching away of humanity and life, you take away this and I settle for that. then this and this and this and that is gone. Wait there is more to lose and I settle for that…no that is not enough this is gone too and even more…no walks in the park, no hugging your dog no gong to work and put up with the regular BS, no family to talk to, no face to recognize…. NOTHING left of value or importance, what left too look forward too
@lost hope: if anyone can relate, I can. I know what its like to have everything taken piece by piece and just when you think you have nothing left to loose life finds something. It does become meaningless, pointless, and empty. Why try when you already know the outcome will be another loss right? I still believe that but I’m opening my mind a little to positivity. Sure we loose things shit falls apart and you don’t want to keep doing that. But the truth is being alive means you feel, and that includes pain. And I don’t want to be stuck in pain mode for the majority of my life. So bring on the love the happiness all the good things and you know what even if they don’t last at least my life would have caught a break from the pain. And I hope that after this the episodes of heart ache and pain last less and my moments of happiness last longer. Just like they say you can never experience the same love twice you can’t ever experience the same pain twice. Each pain is different and it teaches you, it reveals another piece of who you are. Until one day you’ve learned to quickly over come the moments of pain. At least that’s my new perspective don’t know if it helps you any..
you said it so well..i tried to carve away . the ones in my family all gone i loved and weren’t crazed alcoholics and the bad side of the family, when i lost my career .. i lost all my so called friends. tried making new ones took chances to start over when i held on to my home trying to save it too long from the horrors of the banking/gov collusion- they say the numbers are much higher the suicides hidden from the news etc. i am sure of this… it helps to read your words. same thing here. same thing.. 17 more days