It has been over 8 months since my last suicide attempt. I was finally some what a happy person, but now I just don’t think I can do it anymore. I know I’m a teenager and I’m obviously going to get upset but my suicidal thoughts have never been this bad. The pain that I feel inside is starting to become unbearable where I have started cutting myself with razors again. I thought if I started cutting again the pain would go away a little bit but shocker it didn’t. I bet we’ve all been here, thinking about life and how different it would be if we were gone, wondering if our friends and family would move on after we were gone. That has been the only thought that keeps me from not killing myself, but I just don’t think I can go through the pain anymore. I am trying to be the strong person that I know I can be but I just want to cry and crumble like the weak little girl I know I truly am. I want to stay strong but I’m not so sure I can do it anymore, I think it is time for me to go because all I have been thinking about is giving up.
You think your family won’t move on ? They will because they have to. But I bet you will leave a big space behind you if you do it. And the worst of all is not the pain for your friends that you will cause with what you’ve done, but the happiness. The happiness you will miss. You will miss the good days of life, I know there is more bad day than good, but they are worth reaching them.
I just dont think i can do it anymore
My boyfriend committed suicide 2 years ago. He left all of us behind: me, his friends, parents, grandparents, everybody loved him so much..all this sadness will not go away. For me – never. You just cant imagine how is it like to be left behind. Just think.. of all your beloved ones having to deal with your suicide…the pain is unbearable, all the crying, the praying, the screaming nothing will bring him life is shitty but i just cant think of taking my life even it would be a relief of this suffering just because i will cause so much pain. So much…Just stay alive!
I would never get over it…..and if this ever happened you would be swing me sooner then you would like…..
Then you have two choices
live or die, its up to you whatever decision you make I won’t judge it.
I will always stand up for peoples right to die, if there in pain, don’t let these anti sucide nazis tell you any different.
I hope that helps.