wow, there’s nothing quite like failing spectacularly at finding a job to make one want to off oneself. there’s nothing quite like becoming a pathetic free-loader for almost a year, desperate and hopeless.
my life is going nowhere.why continue?
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I can understand how you feel. I have been through it and many, many others too. I lived out in a suburb in Northern california and jobs were scarce. People had been out of work for years.. even though they look > really looked for anything to no avail. and what do you do when there are no jobs. You feel like loser with no hope. I stayed in the northwest in Portland oregon and that place was a hard place to find a job. People I met had been out of work for years and there were no opportunities… so Ieft after 2 months. I traveled across the USA and foundout that its like that in many places. Hard to find a job and if you do find a job it pays shit. So your stuck with a minimal pay Job and that is not a happy camper sitution either.
Now in the USA obama wants to allow millions of more people into the country soon and give them citizenship and work papers. then there will be even more people scrapping for the tiny amount of jobs out there. So its going to get worse in the USA.
I dont understand the politicins in this country they send good jobs over sees and spend our tx dollars on things they should not…. when they should be spending money on creating Jobs for people. Most people want to work and are cbable of working but if there are no jobs available what do you do. In the USA we have over 14 million people unemployed. 7 million people in the prison system. 22 million people underemployed…. meaning they have a job but not making what they should be making. and we got half of the population on someo sort of government support. Its rough out there in the job departent and I never thought it would get like this.
Yes it does make ya feel ike crap when you cant find a job. It sucks. I was gainfully emplyed for a lot of years and had some years being unemployed.
Now I see many people getting desperate and doing things they normally wouldnt doto get buy
and of course we have lot of people depressed and so forth.
Its a rough world to live in right now.
I feel like you too. My life is goig nowhere. so why continue.
Im gonna keep trying to make things work but if I cant get a life worth living at some point
I will just do myself in and call it over with.
good luck
thanks for taking the time to reply.anyway i had no idea how bad it is over there, but i do all around, unemployed and underemployed isn’t much better at all.i feel the same way, too.let’s keep trying and hope something will happen.good luck as well, uptown234.obviously i’m not glad that you’re struggling like me, but it helps that someone understands.thanks again.
I get what you’re saying. Been there, done that.
thanks, randall.
I’ve been where you are and definitely know how being unemployed for a long period of time can affect your self esteem. It sucks when a job doesn’t work out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find employment elsewhere that is a good fit for you. Best of luck.
thanks for the encouraging words, l4y.
i know how you feel i feel the same also in think i fractured my motivation (meme) because i spent 4 years in college & it got me nowhere.
& the college didn’t care but they acted like they’d help me out but they didn’t ball each student is to them is a few thousand £
exactly, iamgod.i spent 7years in college, (took me longer than the required 5 because i failed 2 subjects), then i spent another year studying for a licensure that’s a total of 8years.and after that i couldn’t get a job and am still unemployed.i send resumes etc.but no results so far and also no support from my college.i really am lost, confused and useless right now.i’m hoping that’ll change soon.anyway good luck to us.
Yeah I keep hearing that over and over the same thing and news stories like yours are even making headlie news. that people are saying they went to college and the colleg degree has done nothing for them in the real world and they wish they hadn’t gone.
Its like the colleges seem to promise once you graduate youll be in like flynn and that might have been so like 25 years ago. But now its not. People spend many years and lots of money on college and wind up working at Burger king for like 8.50 an hour. its sad.
where the fuck did all the jobs go.
I think Bush Jr sent them all over to China and other ccouhtries where people will work for 2 bucks a day. in deplorable conditions
in this world currently its hard to prosper.
it sucks
be good if you could edit your own comments on here *all*