No idea what to do anymore. I feel so broken and hopeless. Society is doomed. No one is honest. No one is trustworthy. Most people are too drama filled to even be friends with them. I spend my nights looking at others posts on here. Looking at ways to go painlessly. Sitting alone in my room. Whenever I have something I want it gets ripped away. The universe doesn’t want me to be happy. Two years with someone, they cheat. Three years with someone, they cheat. Finally get engaged to someone, they get Prego, found out they cheated and they also lost the baby. I moved halfway across the country for them. Got a new toy, a motorcycle. Been riding for a few years. Get home and someone hits me on my motorcycle and then takes off. Have to get surgery now and over 100K in medical bills later… Still don’t have anything I want. Why me? I don’t want to do this anymore. I feel so worn out. It’s to the point where I fix my sisters car and I’m refilling the radiator, thinking all I need to do is drink some and just rest. Lay back with music on. I think about ways to end it all almost every day. I’m tired of everything. I just don’t know what to do anymore and don’t have anyone to turn to… Seems like the easiest thing to do.
I don’t know if the universe has a thinking mind so it could actually single you out and say, “nope happy for you.”
life throws everybody blows and some worse then others cheating partners accidents but things get better ive been throu all this now im good I thought of giving up but things always get better some times slowly sometimes fast stick with your life things will get better always look at the good things in your life your sister is always worth talking to
Wow Rowdy sounds harsh. Tbh I’ve met far too many people who’ve just had tough time after tough time after tough time. Gets you down 🙁
Right, then you start expecting tough times because that’s all you know.