Im depressed. I told my mom that, and she made me start therapy. but i hate to say this, but its to late. She has no clue i cut, or have suicidal thoughts. I havent cut in about a month. And today is Christmas, so i should be happy right? Wrong. My new sister got more than i did, and im starting to just feel very down again. Everything would be so much easier for everyone if i was just dead. Im always in the way, and i can never be happy. I have no friends. All of them turned on me and i cant trust anyone anymore. Im tired of feeling like this! I dont really want to die, i just want to leave the pain. I love my family dont get me wrong, its just im a burden. I really just need someone to talk to i guess. who can help?
Hey, first off you’ve made a great mistake. It’s never too late, ever! No matter what happens in life you are never stuck, anything can change if you want to make that change. U say you feel like a burden, or in the way but I can tell already that your wrong man. If ur parents didn’t care they wouldn’t have sent you to therapy. Trust me if they thought u a burden ur mother would have ignored you when u said u were depressed. It’s not ur fault and it’s not theirs either. The fact is some people just need more support from their parents than others do. I know what ur feeling man, I’ve been there. My parents always showered two older brothers with attention nd shit and for along time I resented all of them but eventually I realised it’s not their fault. They weren’t to know I needed more support I came to realise unless a parent has like a psych degree they can’t know this stuff. But Uve gotta know man they may be ignorant (like all parents) but they love you. U are their kid. It’s ur job to be arround and in the way that’s what sons and daughters do! Never think urself a problem cause it would destroy your family if u opted out. And as for friends. They come and go, true friends will show up don’t rush it. Took me until drinking age to find mine!
Thanks, and i see what youre saying, but this is a lot more complicated then it sounds. this new kid was my best friend. She was an only child and i was the youngest. Her mom died, and so we took her in. now shes the youngest and its like all the attention is on her 24/7. its like im not even here anymore.. im just so lost and alone idk what to do..
That won’t last forever. It’s cool of ye to have taken her in after something so traumatic. She lost her mother, is now living with another family. That must be scary for her. I want you to imagine if the roles were reversed. If u moved in with her and her mother after ur own parents died. Imagine how that would feel to loose ur family and be left alone. Surely you would need a lot of attention to feel welcome and to get over what had happened? You need to look at this from her point of view, I know it’s tough on you but it’s also tough on her. You said she was your best friend, I’m guessing the moving in put a strain on that friendship? If you want my advice is work on repairing that friendship. You should be happy u live with ur best friend, try putting all the bad feelings aside and work on becoming involved with her. It’s not easy but if u can make the first step to getting that best friend back you may be surprised but the attention might just balance out, at the very least u get a sister who’s ur best friend, that’s worth something right?
i see it from that way too, but its like thats how everyone sees it now. that she needs all the attention and they are forgetting i need some too. its like they are forgetting im here. i try to make her feel welcome here, its just so hard sometimes.
The fact is the family dynamic changes when another person is introduced into the mix. To want everything to return to the way it was is a waste of time. You have to learn to change with the situation. It will balance out, just give it time
im trying. im very glad i found this website, its an anonymous way to get my feelings out. Also, thanks a lot for talking to me, means a lot and i think helped(:
Don’t do you may regreat it, the choice is yours, though if gets to much, you have ticket out, but don’t used, unless there no other opion meaning, let time do its work and heal your wounds.
Learning ur place is tough, even in life I’ve no clue of my own place but I’ve come to accept that eventually i will find it. You will find your place again my friend don’t force it just let it happen. Venting on here is good for you, It always helps to have someone to talk with, it’s my pleasure to listen when you want me to. Just surrender as much of that anger and pain as you can, and sit back and wait for you place in the family to show up again. Ain’t nothing in life worth killing urself over
Peace and Love!