I have suffered from depression since around the age of 13I can’t really say if I thought about suicide back then. I know from things that happened to me my childhood was Rod I never got to enjoy some of the experiences young people did like normal relationships and that affected my life as an adult. I’m in capable of handling a relationship normally like any other person would I fall easily hard and even when a relationship is unhealthy for me I don’t want to end it I am currently in a toxic relationship and addictive relationshipand although I do love this woman I know she is bad for me. I think I know that I have actively thought of suicide on a daily basis for at least 13 years now. It is been a hard struggle not to actually carry it out. But recently the past few months at least he seems like it would just be easier to let it go. Do I want to die? No I do not want to die but I also do not want to live any longer. I sold all my firearms because I always thought that if I ever dated it will be with a gun. It would be quick. And over fast. Now I don’t have any guns, but I do have lots of depression pills anxiety pills and pain pills a couple of nights ago I came very close but Iwas so scared. I believe in God and the afterlife and sometimes the fact that if I kill myself, believing that, that I would go to hell. Sometimes that belief is the only thing that keeps me alive. I hear people say how selfish it would be to kill myself. That I should think about the people that care about me that I would be leaving the honey hurting. But I think that’s bullshit I think that’s selfish on their part. What about how I’ve hurt almost my whole life and I just want it to be over with. Yeah they would hurt but I am hurting right now.
I have been in way too many dysfunctional relationships and I can relate to the loneliness. Taking pills is no answer. I know I tried. It only makes matters worse. Depression is real and I have to fight everyday from not sleeping all day. The medecines do help some but my life has gotten very small and I miss affection and fellowship. Work helps give me some purpose otherwise I’m not sure what I would be doing. Consult with your doctor’s about what can help. Don’t give up.
My job seems to be the only time that I am somewhat not depressed. I have talked to my doctor I’ve seen a therapist and I am on meds. They just don’t freaking help no matter Which ones I’ll try or what combination the doctor gives me. I’m sick of being lonely and I’m also sick of the woman I’m with hurting me all the time she doesn’t give a damn I don’t think she would care if I dad. Maybe. Fuck this shit.
Me too that’s why I’m going to work in a few. I have a hard time finding a man who would understand all of my ups and downs. I hope she treats you right even though it seems overwhelming at times. My brother gets it and I’m thinking of moving closer to him. Anyway don’t give up today
I wouldn’t give up. I can’t really say anything useful since I just turned a teen yesterday. However, everything happens for a reason, they wouldn’t just happen just because. There’s always a reason behind it