Hear I am. Stuck in the same fucking place. Repeating the same fucking task. Doing the same thing over and over again just so that I can blend in with the rest of the world and maybe just maybe I can be happy some day. I don’t know if I will ever be happy. I’m to fat, To stupid, and to emotionally in stable to do anything right. I’m diegnosed Ana and chronicly depressed. I just hate. Living, who made suicide wrong, aren’t we all jusrpt engineering ways to make like suck slightly less, why do we all choose to live in a world that we know is horrible. Why is it that we don’t look at suicide like some amazing thing, its a get out of jail free card, and I don’t know about you but I am thinking maybe its my best bet.
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the way i see it is suicide may be the answer you see, but how do you think the people in your life would see it? i know I’m not any where NEAR close to my family. Yet i know they would grieve. (some more then others) And i just cant do that to them. I’ve seen death. it creates a bigger hole in side people then anything else I’ve ever seen. Every day i go to work, do the same boring thing over and over. Get home eat then go to bed. i know i need a change, but suicide cant be a get out of free card. It locks all of our loved ones into a jail of grief and pain for the rest of their lives. i hope you can see that life may be the hardest things we do, you may not have a purpose now. it just means you need to create the purpose and beauty of what you want it to b. We create our future with the paths we choose. Don’t let your path choose where to go, for it could end faster then you want it to.