I met my beautilful girlfriend at work, I have been single for 13 years so I could raise my 2 girls, they are older now so I wanted to find someone. I loved everything about my gf, beautiful, inteligent, her speacial smile just for me, she called me babe or love. She has 3 kids, was in an abusive marriage, last 3 boyfriends cheated on her, I told her I loved her with all my heart and would never hurt her or cheat on her. I would pick her and her baby up in morning, drop baby at babysitter and drive us to work, pick up her other daughter from school. I made her breakfast and brought it for her, took her to dentist, purchased her medicine and food she could eat, took her to nicest restaurants, drinks, let her use my Yukon everyday, she was sick I made her soup and took it to her. She never received Christmas gifts so I spent alot on her gifts and kids too,Birthday gifts as well, her dad passed away several yrs ago so I got an expensive picture frame with his name engraved, she’s never had a dozen roses, I got her two for Valentines day. I always opened the door for her, totaly and completly in love with her and showed it in every way I could. She started becoming distant and wouldnt talk when I was with her, driving she’d just look out the window or text on her phone, started to hurt. She tells me she needs to focus on her kids and limit her time with me, she went back to work at her old job, stopped texting and calling me, stopped allowing me to pick her up, took hours for her to respond to my text messages if at all, she then said she needed her space, it broke my heart everyway possible, now she wont respond to me at all, I feel I have lost her, was going to ask her to marry me, and move her and her kids into my 4 bedroom home, I dont know what I did wrong, maybe I did too much, maybe I was out of her comfort zone, did she meet someone new at her new job? was she using me? Im trying the no contact rule but im afraid she is going to forget me, I never see her and im dying inside, lost 30 lbs in just under 3 weeks, I run 15 to 20 miles a day to be alone, ashamed to say even cry, its at night so no one see’s, i hurt so much theres no relief, I waited to meet someone like her for so long, in fact 33 yrs 2 months 24 days 17 hrs and 5 min, I remember the day I started looking for her, it only lasted 140 days, the search for her has kept me going all my life, gave me a purpose, held me together, helped during the darkest times in my life, now I lost her, have no purpose, no will, im dead inside, how can a man live with no purpose in life? Along with her went my life, my total will to live, ive thought about walking into the desert and just keep going until I droped. Im lost
Hi, I just want to write my opinion, if you don’t mind.
Go ask her if she want to marry you. The faster the better. It’s good to know if she really wants it or not. If she wants it, then she’s yours. If she doesn’t want it, you saved yourself from unnecessary painful thoughts and perseverance. Keep your head up, she doesn’t worthy your pain.
I wish you good luck.
Wow, I wish I had someone like you!!!
You know I see you say she has been in abusive relationships, and maybe she can’t handle being treated nice, like I hear most woman say good guys are boring . They secretly crave to be treated mean and just love the emotional roller coasters of emotions. So my opinion would be ” treat em mean, keep em’ keen” act like an asshole. You”ll get her back just show her your bad wild side!! 🙂
Sorry I know this is a shitty comment, but food for thought seriously I know lots of woman who had men like you but just couldn’t do it, because they were TO F***** NICE!! Like wow now they sit there and cry they should have been with the too nice guy beats getting beat up, cheated on and made to feind for yourself the kids and the useless man!!
Blah… Sorry just trying to write to take my mind of this shitty world, I got problems in love too.
I treated my partner like he is a king…cuz I believe in him. He can believe in me too, I’m not mucking around I mean’t it. The only reason I’m emotional now is cuz he’s backed away. I have no intentions of taking him on some kind of ride. I wish he knew it’d be just fine. It’s hard when you believe it can be just fine. I never do the treat mean keep ’em keen as that’s emotionally abusive. i was very careful to make sure I was doing the right thing, yeah I know nice guys finish last. He said I was a nice guy.
Good luck to you all with your relationships.
Maybe she doesn’t feel like she deserves it all or maybe you just did so much that it was hard for her to accept. If you have waited so long and want her to stay so badly, perhaps you pulled so hard you pushed her away.
I guess I don’t know. I have my own problems in this area. It certainly does seem as if the “nice guys finish last” statement rings true. I’ve even heard so many women say they wish they had a guy like that when my ex used to tell people the things I did for her, but when it comes down to it, they feel more comfortable with what they’ve always known. I don’t know. Maybe the comment above is accurate and it comes down to being interesting enough.
Whatever the case, I wish you luck.
That’s awful, man. You sound like a loving guy. Hope things work out for you – don’t give up yet….
She may be overwhelmed with your generosity. She might not be used to so much care. 3 abusive boyfriends is the standard – she probably had low self-esteem, etc. Now a loving boyfriend comes into the picture – and she doesn’t feel like she deserves all that love.
I don’t know. But good luck, good sir. You deserve happiness.
Nice guys like us finish last man. Big hearts get crushed. Simple as that.