I know this site is for people who want to kill themselves, and I know many of you would look at me in disgust, but I want to kill my father, and then kill myself. I hate my father beyond words. He is supposed to protect me, shelter me, and teach me how to be an adult. Instead, he attacks me verbally and financially every chance he get. Any attempt to fight back only makes it worse, because he’s a master manipulator and constantly works to make my entire family hate me, which they’re so close to doing. He can shit on my face and get away with it. I’m so powerless against him, and it frustrates me to no end. I hate him, I want to kill him, I want to hurt him like he hurts me, and I want to die. I know that I can’t kill him, but I’m afraid of the day he pushes me too far. I’m insane, I know. I can’t let anyone know, so unless I finally snap, I will take these desires to the grave, hopefully soon.
Do you really want that on your record? You’ll be dead but people’ll remember you as an insane killer. Besides your father is going to die one day anyway, what good would murdering him do? Hell, why not just run away if you can? Ask yourself what’s the point?
If he’s such a manipulator the best punishment against him would be to break free. Like ryder suggested try to run away if you can, if you kill him and then yourself you could say he somehow wins.
You want to hurt him but killing him won’t really do that. Like the others have said, you need to end the cycle and get out. Go live a good life away from him.