… I can’t remember them that clearly anymore.
It doesn’t mean I didn’t spend hours staring into them, but times makes all memories hazy, even the best of them.
I’d like to imagine those beautiful eyes filled with tears when you’d heard what I’d done. Maybe they would if you saw what I’ve done to myself.
The mutilation.
It was never because of you, it was in spite of you. And in truth, I got off on the pain.
Why do I torture myself and peek behind the curtain to the world you’re still in? The world that everyone is in, but I’m not anymore.
I walked out of that world, only to slash my throat open in a much darker one. Literally.
I miss you every day that passes, but I’m afraid one day I’ll wake up and I won’t, because I will have forgotten you.
I would have given anything for those beautiful blue eyes not to look away from me when I needed you to see me the most.
Or Were They Green.
“It was never because of you, it was in spite of you. And in truth, I got off on the pain.” True
simply beautiful, the last sentence gave me shivers
Amazingly beautiful…deeply profound and yet so beautifully understated….