It all started on111914 when I fell inlove with my boyfriend he was eveythinng I wanted a swimmer soccer play and a good looking guy he was so sweet and caring. This past friday he had a big swim meet I was so proud of him. After we hung at his house and got icecream we go in a fight and he broke up with me I was a reck. The next night I find my self taking 12 pills and my family yelling and me. The next morming I think I will never kiss him or hear his voice or anything again. So now while I sit here writing this I place a pill by pill in my mouth
and just wait for the end – bab mnb
1 comment
Just because you broke up doesn’t mean it’s the end of it.
You two can get back together.
People say a lot of crazy things that they don’t even know if they mean in silly fights.