is there any point in any of us being on this earth all it leads is people going into dispair and depression or hurt. Why do we have to go through this? There is no point in any of this no point in being here, i’ve finally reached my end sad to think really but i could end it without a batter of an eyelash, i don’t care about life anymore if you care to much you’ll just end up hurt. So please leave your comments and tell me whether you think life is worth living anymore
1 comment
I’m not sure if there is a point or what it actually is, but i guess when it comes down to each person it depends.
There’s despair and hurt, but there’s a lot of other things as well.
Worth it.. not worth it..
Not sure. But who cares? Don’t end it. Insted use the mental energy to do other things, things that you want to do, things you like to do.