I haven’t been on here in a while. I have had some up and downs. I’m thinking very strongly about this still. I’ve been seeing a counselor, I’m taking medication, I’ve done everything on my own to try and feel better, reach out… I will be sending my son to visit his dad in Aug. I think if by then I still feel the same, that will be the time to do it. I will have a few rough patches I know, things are still changing for me. Change can be good, and usually in my case, I’m ready for it when it comes around. I don’t think I can ever be “normal” again. I’m tired and I feel like crap… mentally, emotionally, physically. If this doesn’t change, I think that I will. I serve no other purpose if I do not have my son… he will be taken care of.
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1 comment
you cant just leave ur son . i understand that you have something going on but think about your son .he is going to miss you so much and what if he asked his dad whens my mommy coming to get me or when am i going to see my mom .. im here if you need to talk