i’m so done with life. i have been for a very long time now. thing is i don’t have the guts to do myself in. i wish i did, then my suffering would have been over a very long time ago. i’ve had people, family who were supposed to love me, tell me that they hate me and hope i die. well good for them. i’ve ceased to matter to anyone and i don’t care anymore. i want to be out of here, not because they want me to be, but because i want to be. fuck all the rest. if only i had the guts. the longer i wait the worse it gets, but dammit i just don’t have the guts!!! don’t know if it’s because i’m a girl or what, but somebody, please, if you wanna help me, tell me how i can get more guts to do this!
There were a few times in my life where I really wanted to die…not just intellectually as I do know but I wanted to be dead and was willing to almost do anything to get there.
There was a time I wanted to die only because I suffered some serious crisis and thought I’d end up on the streets-I didn’t actually want to die, I just didn’t want my life to get any worse and eventually through a lot of hard work I ‘righted my ship.’
You might reach that point that I mentioned where you basically won’t fear death-and you will really want to die-you will see it as something that you welcome. I’d say you should have a very safe, reliable method for yourself, if you’re convinced that you will ‘get it over with.’
At this stage speaking personally I’m just very miserable about my life but I have an inkling of hope still that it can get better. I want to enjoy it for a few years and when I felt I’ve gotten my fill, I will probably end it then. There’s some things I still haven’t experienced and want to first, before I go.
Hope that makes sense. But ya don’t kill yourself because the scumbags around you want you dead, do it only if you sincerely had enough out of life.
It doesn’t take guts to off yourself. It takes guts to face another day when you want to off yourself.
You’re afraid of the process of actually dying. And any pain that you may feel during that process. That’s just another part of your survival instinct.
Whenever I hear someone say that “it doesn’t take guts to off yourself”, I assume the person speaking has never held a loaded gun to their head. It takes a hell of a lot of guts to pull that trigger.