The weather got too fucking hot for the first time this year, so I decided to take off all clothes. I heard that it is possible to pass out by touching my carotid artery and I found out that it is on my neck around my ear. I pressed against it at times and I came close to passing out, but there must be an extremely narrow place touch because at other times, it just hurt! I took an old shirt and wrapped it around my neck and I was trying to press against the carotid artery and I came close to passing out a couple more times, but for some reason, the blood was able to keep going to my brain and I didn’t pass out. I knew that I wouldn’t be lucky enough to die because the shirt would loosen up around my neck as soon as I passed out, but I just wanted to pass out, even if it was for only for a few seconds so I could be at peace and not think about all the stupidity and horrible things in this world! I wrapped the shirt around my neck as tight as I could get it and then I jerked off! The orgasm felt real good and I make interesting moans when I orgasm while I try to choke myself! I then put my clothes back on because I always have so many things to do! I have been feeling manic a lot more often than usual because I am about to go on a trip next week, so I can spend an entire weekend riding trains! I want to be able to stay alive to experience that!
I know right? It’s like 80 degrees here, and I’m in a northern state! It’s thundering and I just want to go outside and sit in the rain until my hair stands up and I get illuminated with deadening, beautiful light…
The first thunderstorm of the year just happened here! It seems like it stopped raining and now it’s cooling down and it feels much nicer than they way it felt this afternoon!
Thunderstorms are beautiful and clean and I want to be struck with a pretty bolt that will zap my mind free of pain and rot and leave me a cold white yet happy person on the ground
Also, it’s spring break for high school, and I’m going to splash in puddles tomorrow. I never got to do that as a child. Plus the ground is so dry that the rain will form lakes in which little sea monsters will form and swim around like the lost souls on here