Maybe society really is fucked up.
I mean now it has doctors and therapist telling parents that if their child wants to hurt
themselves to let them. Just to be on stand by just in case. They’re telling parents that it’s their child’s life and they can do anything they want to their bodies. That there’s no way to stop them. Parents can’t force their kids to get help or to let them in.
Maybe society really is fucked up.
It now has girls and boys on social media who are obsessed with how many likes or follows they get on their pictures or accounts. It has girls and boys starving themselves. Making themselves throw up so they can be “thin” and “pretty”. It has girls caking their faces with makeup so others will find them “attractive”. It has boys doing dangerous stunts
so others will find them “cool”. It has girls and boys changing their appearances and personalities so they can “fit in”. It has those boys and girls believing that if you’re “different” it’s a horrible thing.
Maybe society really is fucked up.
Now it has certain states and people still believing that being LGBT is a bad thing. That loving someone of the same gender is sinful. It has those certain states and people believing that wanting to change you gender to the opposite one, boy to girl- girl to boy, is a disgusting thing.
Maybe society really fucked up.
To be honest here I’ve always known that the society is fucked up. I just never knew how fucked up it really was. Why is it so difficult to just get along and be nice to each other and to accept each other for all our flaws and differences. What caused society to be so needing and pressuring for everyone to be “perfect”? What caused society to allow us to believe that “perfect” is to be thin, extremely beautiful, dangerous, assholes, and idiots?
Now all we have are cut up wrists, deadly skinny, suicidal, hospitalized, low test scored, hated, abused, makeup-filled, drug and alcohol abusing people in this world. Walking like dead empty soulless figures who can’t get a handle on their lives and who’s
light has burned out.
What has society made out of us? Us children who used to have such high hopes and dreams. Us children who used to have such ambition and who used to have everything figured out. Us children who used to have so much light in our eyes.