I am at the point where ever day is torture. The only way to get some sore of peace is through sleep. I wish G-D would help. He has the power to change it all around but yet he does not. Makes me wonder is this what I was meant to feel? Is this what I was created for? The pain is to much. The mental torture is indescribable. How I wish things were different.
I thought that was a censored way of saying goddamit.
Forget it, I looked it up.
According to jewfaq.com “writing G-D is a way of mentioning Him without the risk of defacing His name”.
Interesting. So just mentioning His name in a possibly disrespectful way could incur His wrath.
Let’s hope that He doesn’t monitor suicide sites.
Yeah, the Jews were/are big on building walls around speaking the Name, which was only supposed to be spoken once a year by the High Priest in the Temple. Now we’re not even sure what the Name was, since we don’t have records of it written with vowel markings… which is probably just as well, because today we’d just throw it around like candy.
In an anthropomorphic sense – imagine if everybody were in a habit of saying things like “Morris damn it!” and “Oh my Morris!”. You’d be like, “STOP USING MY NAME IN VAIN ALL OF YOU!”
I’ll admit that I don’t know very much about Judaism. The G-D part perplexed me, so I did some research and learned something new today.
It’s kind of cool (and amazing) that I’m able to learn fascinating tid-bits of trivia on a site like this. 🙂
Thanks y’all.
OP: the way I think of it is, God can and does help, but often it takes time, as well as your cooperation. Any intervention is going to have repercussions far beyond what we can fathom, and some of those repercussions could be negative far beyond the benefit of the original act. So I think you’re more likely to be helped slowly and persistently – a dropped phone call here, a dream there, and so on – than you are to just wake up one day with the anguish gone forever.
Of course, you’re always free to throw away any help you get, on the grounds that it’s not the help you expected. But don’t do that! In my experience, it doesn’t cause you to get the help you expected – it just makes things take longer.
I prayed once and asked G-D for a bike. Didn’t get one.
I stole a bike and asked G-D for forgiveness. He forgave me.
Option #2 seems to yield results better than option #1.
Hey @DA002, while I personally am an atheist. Know that you are welcome and I respect your views. I don’t agree, but that does not mean I don’t feel your pain or understand your words.
If I were to believe in a G-D, it would be a non intervening one. Perhaps, your deity expects you to understand and overcome this with your own humanity.
If you want a theological argument, stop wishing and start doing. Either way, you must believe that G-D will understand and respect that.
Thanks for sharing.
I am the type of person that does as much as possible to help myself. But there are situations in life where the only solution is to cope since there is no solution to the problem. In these situations when a person cant cope because the problem is to overbearing, I look up to G-D for some sort of help since there is literally no way for me to solve it.
And btw if you guys want we can have a little debate as to whether there is a G-D or not. Let me know!
Sometimes coping is just waiting. I can’t say for sure that God is fixing things in His time, but it helps me wait (cope). And if it’s true, it’s a free gift.
I’m always down for a good debate :). Try me.
Just wanted to simply say, that while others are positive or hostile. I respect you, it matters not if I agree with you. 🙂
Cephalus I definitely respect your views as well. I do not judge a person based on their views. But since we are all on this site because we potentially want to end our lives don’t you wonder what would happen once we are dead? For me one of the hardest parts of ending my life is the fact that I know that there is a strong possibility that what is awaiting me afterwards has the potential of being much worse.
And as for the debate I’d rather we share each others views. I would love to hear your points as they may certainly be valid. And if I may, I just have one question to ask you: If I were to bring a shirt over to you and tell you that it was not created by anyone but rather it just exists. Would you believe that? Or if I were to tell you that I have no father and mother but rather I was not created by anyone I just somehow simply exist would you believe that? ( Okay that was 2 questions).
The afterlife does not scare me. If there was a G-D, he would know my heart. I’m simple, and he (how simple, how human, how patriarchal..)/they must understand me.
I will always look at and respect solid proof. And if you brought me a shirt that was not sowed by people living in worse conditions than I can imagine, I would be ecstatic. Unfortunately, my wealth, my “nice things” and to a large extent everything I own is built on the suffering of others.
I paraphrase, please forgive me, “not created by anything, but simply existed”, I would beg the question, what created that? Is it elephants all the way down?
Cephalus, I am sorry. I think I am out of line with this. I am not here to piss anyone off. We are all pissed off as it is with out problems and this site is supposed to be a place where we can support one another. Therefore I do not think it is a good idea to continue with this. Thank you for replying to my post I appreciate your support.
DA002, we are all friends, brothers, sisters. Sorry if I seemed annoyed 🙂 I love and appreciate you as well.
You will only receive my love and support. If we argue, that is all it is, a simple misunderstanding, an attempt at trying to come to terms with one another.
Keep your stick on the ice, keep writing!
Cephalus, thanks for that I am here to support you as well. Since you asked me to keep writing on the topic, I take it you want to see the point I was getting at. Well here it is: I find it hard to believe that the world just exists without there being something that created it. Just like I would not believe it if someone told me that a shirt was not created but rather somehow simply exists. Again, I am not promoting religion but rather the idea that there is a good chance that there is a creator ; a higher entity.
An extremely conservative estimate is there are 10 billion (I’ve seen as ranges from 40, to 100 billion) planets in our galaxy alone that are estimated to have the /potential/ for life. Of those lets argue 1 of them has developed life. Given our history of rape, torture and murder. Do you really think we are created? Can you not see the clear and distinct evolutionary traits in our brothers and sisters? Have you ever talked to someone from africa or asia? I find those cultural, those lingual difference astounding and provocative. For the past hundreds of generations, most have died from infection caused by teeth (given their proximity to the brain). How silly. I am extremely privileged to live in a world where, when I have abscess I can take antibiotics and dentists are able to “clean it”. Not so even a mere two generations.
Does any of this speak to a creator? No, not strictly, just an incompetent, uncaring one. One that I honestly, could understand. Given I, personally have decreed thousands if not millions of computer processes to their death for my own selfish puoposeses. (Ants come to mind…)
I don’t discount the numerousness or, the supernatural/spiritual. (or if you prefer, in a phrase, energy as it pertains to existence) . Just I question the need and the clear incompetence of a creator.
Anyway, I bid you well friend. Lets keep arguing?
No more arguing. I understand where you are coming from. It makes me angry to that there is so much pain and suffering in this world. I feel like we are toys that are being played with. Anyways best of luck to you and maybe we will speak to each other again on another post.