love is a chemical reaction in the brain similar to the chemical in chocolate so i think the reason some people can fall out of love while other cant let go is that some people get addicted to that chemical reaction god damn my addictive personality
Love addiction is a real addiction. There are support groups especially set up to help people overcome it. Look up ‘SLAA’ if you want to find out more.
thank you looked into it but 12 step groups arent for me never could wrap my head around how they throw around the terms higher power and god and claim not to be religious
love is? LOVE IS? HUM? To tell you truth love is a conception , a four letter word! it means different things to everybody, stronger to some not as strong to others, love is in your imagination, nobody really understands what love is, the concept is very different than reality
everything and every emotion we experience is just the product of chemicals, but the significance some have dwarf others in comparison. Love is more than desire and satisfaction, love is a connection, it is feeling completely in sync with another person, being empowered by the symbiotic passion and admiration, the other person becomes a vessel for your emotions, a medium for your emotions to propagate, they become more than just extension of you, they become an instrument that allows you to transcend the systematic monotony of life, they become a lens for you to see the colors of beauty and the brilliance of vibrancy in the world. love is more than chemicals.
Love addiction is a real addiction. There are support groups especially set up to help people overcome it. Look up ‘SLAA’ if you want to find out more.
thank you looked into it but 12 step groups arent for me never could wrap my head around how they throw around the terms higher power and god and claim not to be religious
Yeh. I agree… That’s why it wouldn’t work for me. Still the information they have available is useful for understanding the condition on its own.
hiitsme0819 ,
love is? LOVE IS? HUM? To tell you truth love is a conception , a four letter word! it means different things to everybody, stronger to some not as strong to others, love is in your imagination, nobody really understands what love is, the concept is very different than reality
everything and every emotion we experience is just the product of chemicals, but the significance some have dwarf others in comparison. Love is more than desire and satisfaction, love is a connection, it is feeling completely in sync with another person, being empowered by the symbiotic passion and admiration, the other person becomes a vessel for your emotions, a medium for your emotions to propagate, they become more than just extension of you, they become an instrument that allows you to transcend the systematic monotony of life, they become a lens for you to see the colors of beauty and the brilliance of vibrancy in the world. love is more than chemicals.
Amen, you are spot on ackerman, you said everything I couldn’t think of to say
if love really is a connection and more then just chemicals how is it possible for it to be a one way street for 11 years
if it’s a one way street it’s not love, it’s lust or desire. love is a mutual concept
is it possible for someone to just use someone for that long out of convenience unit something more convenient comes along
lust and pseudo love are easy to mistake as genuine love
yeah it is possible, players or people that convince themselves they love someone out of desperation exist
my depression is rooted a little deeper then that but i figure if im going to work through it i might as well start at the beginning