I wish I could hide out. Hibernate like a bear. Or fall down a hole and no one finds me. Like I wanna run away to Mexico where nobody knows me or my past. Then I could be whoever I wanted. Or if I could disappear. Or be a fly on the wall. [because they have short life spans] I just don’t wanna be me anymore. I don’t wanna be here anymore. I don’t wanna hurt anymore.
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Babe, if there’s one thing I’ve learnt, if you run your problems will follow. You can’t change who you are, but you can start to like and accept who you are. An stop believing that every other person out there is so perfect and that they don’t cut themselves or act loopy once in a while. We are all fucked up in this crazy world – but running away will give you more insecurities. Try to control what you want to control about yourself. Once you’ve done that, you can move anywhere in the world. And don’t be suprise if it rears its ugly head up again once in a while, you are human and not perfect after all… Just. Strive to be who you want and accept who you are and start to realise who you are is not bad and so many of us are exactly like you x