An attitude is your evaluation of some concept (person, place, thing, or idea). An explicit attitude is the kind of attitude that you deliberately think about and report. For example, you could tell someone whether or not you like math. That is your explicit attitude. Implicit attitudes are positive and negative evaluations that occur outside of our conscious awareness and control. Even if you say that you like math (your explicit attitude), it is possible that you associate math with negativity without knowing it. In this case, we would say that your implicit attitude toward math is negative.
I took the gender one, it said:
Your data suggest a slight association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.
Haha, so I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to get out of this. It only confirmed what I guessed about my subconscious (although honestly, when taking it I felt like it was going to be way more skewed) Tell me which one to take and I’ll post the result 🙂
Same here. Did the same one cephalus did and got the same result, but i figured that it might partly be due to getting tired while responding the test after a while (quick association+long test = not so good and accurate results). Guess i’ll do another one later, just for the kicks.
I feel like I am being programed: “Press the I key for Christianity or Good, Press the E key fro anything else”
@cephalus and @Mf you don’t needs to do more . Anyways thank you .i am not able to explain what you have got out of this.
I hope you didn’t take my comment the wrong way. I had fun! I just thought maybe there I missed one of the more interesting ones, one that perhaps you could recommend! ^_^