I found out the other day that my friend died. I could not go there, i could not accept that she was gone forever. we are not really friends. I tried to be her friend, i tried to reach out for her but she would not let me in. I hate her. I hate myself, i should have tried harder, should have set aside myself and put her first so… She could still be here. I wanted to kill myself, i should have died with her so she wont be alone. I love her. I want her.
why did your friend chose to die?
Im not sure why. She said she was lonely and that she wanted to die and that she was old enough to die. She is just on her forty,s
You cannot save people from themselves, some people are going to destroy themselves no matter how much you try to help. It is normal to feel what you’re feeling, you are angry with her, you did nothing wrong. Many people who decide to end their lives will push friends and family away and try to disconnect to make it easier. There is nothing you could have done.