At school i only have three friends which we all have different sexuality. I’m a bisexual, one of them is Pan-sexual (which if any you don’t know means doesn’t care what they are boy,girl, trans) another Asexual (no sexual attraction to anyone) and the Heterosexual (straight) and this stupid fuck up group of people keep on bullying us about it. I don’t even know how they found out! It pisses everyone off but we can’t do anything because we’re quiet shy about it so we don’t say it much. And that just makes it worst how so how they know! Also we mixed classes recently and im stuck with all of them in three of my new classes! I so badly want to give up but I don’t want them to win. Even worst I can’t tell my parents ‘cuz they don’t I’m a bi..
Yeah life sucks.
Just why are they doing this? It not my fault that we’re different
I just talked with salt about that asshole syndrome and asshole genetics.
check it out we had a great conversation.
If you’re a girl try to make a friend with them. If you’re a boy try to make their bullying as a joke or try to make stupid of your self like laughing and agreeing with them trust me it works! but if the threats you or trys to hurt you physically tell your teacher and don’t care about how they treat you
Ignore them, they’re not worth the trouble.
You and your friends shouldn’t show them what they say have an effect on you and they should give it up eventually.
Usually i would suggest fighting back, shouting back at them and such to teach them not to mess with you, but since you said you are all shy quiet people and don’t want your parents to find out, i would be more careful with that.
Yeah you shouldn’t let them win. They bully you guys only because they want to feel better about their idiotic, stupid selves, and you shouldn’t give any attention to what they say.
Thank you! you guys are great
What about me? ); am i great? D: