Suicidal thoughts again, cluster headaches, crying, urges to cut myself :‘( I’m feeling numb I dunno what to think or do I keep pushing people away my head is fucked up :‘( I’m fucked up I hate myself so much I’m a fucking fat worthless piece of nothing… I guess my bestfriends lied because they left me… when they said they wouldn’t I just want to hit my head off the wall and pull my hair out I have been sick I dunno what to fucking do it’s slowly killing me and no one I know stays enough to help me .. they get scared And leave so they can’t be worrying or dealing with someone like me :‘( I feel I should of killed myself when I was planning to :‘( Ffs
Here’s what I think. I’m guessing that you been through this before and I think you should reorganize your thoughts before you try anything drastic. I don’t think you’re fucked up, if anything you’re fucking normal. As for your friends, if they leave like that, then they shouldn’t be counted as friends in the first place or that you might’ve done something to make them tick. If anything, remember that there’s always help around the corner, you just need to step out and look for it.
Hey Butterfly,
Sorry to hear things seem to be in such an awful state. I don’t find you worthless.
Keep your stick on the ice!