No one knows. Have made most the preparations needed; Sold what I can, other than my vice, the computers and gadgets. All accounts have a emergency access person and all info is waiting. And Have begun my… ‘Slip’ … ? out of this world.
My birthday is on a Saturday, so when I take my vacation for the following week, Things will be in place already for my replacement.
Bills will be paid through the month, and my arrangements have been made with the funeral home… that was tricky.
The method is still in question. But there are options.
For the trolls good and bad:
Who are you to say that ending this life, with so much pain. With no success at treatment, and a strain on the few people left in relations with. Is a bad idea? Or that you would so easily passively encourage what most look at as selfishness, when it take more courage than most know how to muster to go through with?
1 comment
I am not one to say. I wish life were different for you, but I understand. It hasn’t been such a prize for me either. I wish you no harm and I wish you well. I don’t want you to try and end up harming yourself more.
You sound a bit like me. I’m mature enough not to want to leave too many loose ends for others to clean up. If I ever get to that final point again, I would probably chose to do it in a hotel room. That way someone would be taking care of my pets, because I’d say that I was going on vacation. I’d leave a $100 tip for the poor maid who found me, along with a note telling whom to contact.