I need to know how many sleeping pills it takes to get knocked out, but not die. I need to see who cares. And don’t you DARE call me an attention whore. Its just my life is falling to pieces before my eyes. I can’t take it.
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Hi Tarryn, I just clicked on the link on your name and read your profile. You’re 11 years old!? Oh my, I’m really sorry you’re going through such a tough time at a young age. 🙁
Unfortunately, I can’t tell you a set amount of pills that will “knock you out.” Everyone’s body is different. When I was younger and wanted to commit suicide, I took a set amount of pills that I read killed a girl. It didn’t even knock me out, just made me sick. I know this is not what you want to hear and I understand you are in a tough place right now, but you’re playing Russian roulette if you decide to take X amount of pills with no intent of dying.
I know you need to see who cares about you, but if you are at your wits end and need help you could go to a hospital and tell them about your thoughts. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of much help. I’ll be here if you need to talk.