I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember – A Fake! Walking around…all smiles, but deep down I want to scream.I know, I know…gotta see the glass as half full and all. But then I ask why? I haven’t been suicidal but I’m also not “living the life”. I can try to pick myself up but at the back of my head I ask why. Its tiring. It seems I prefer to be a zombie. I dont have to talk that way. I don’t have to put up with pretenses. People pretending to care. People commenting on trivial shit because they feel the need to talk. Some would say then why not end it and stop complaining. Well I say fuck you…maybe I like it this way. Some would say i probably need a wake up call, a very hard kick into reality…well i say fuck you too…excuse me If I don’t have an abundance of feel good hormones.
I want to curl up on my bed and I dont need to make you happy simply because I can.