Third Post
just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words. You are all good people I’m sure. I’m checking out tonight. Hopefully it will be peaceful and go without any problems. I’ve reached my official breaking point. Be cool and Semper Fi.
Third Post
just wanted to thank everyone for their kind words. You are all good people I’m sure. I’m checking out tonight. Hopefully it will be peaceful and go without any problems. I’ve reached my official breaking point. Be cool and Semper Fi.
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good luck with whatever you decide
I think you should wait it out… things probably aren’t as bad as they seem right now… if you need someone to talk to feel free to send me an email.
Hey, I don’t know if you’ve already “checked out” but if you haven’t, please just try to wait it out.. Give it three days, if things get better in three days, give it a week.. Just keep pushing through.. You might feel alone. But you’re not, people care. I care. And I don’t even know you.. But alas, I cannot change what you decide to do… Thank you for your service, good luck and Semper Fidelis..
I’ve been waiting it out for long enough dawgs…
But thank you for caring… I wish Shanna cared. She’s my angel.
Are you sure she doesn’t care? She might just be acting difficult currently, it doesn’t mean she’s stopped caring for you.
She does care, if she didn’t she wouldn’t have been with you for 9 months.. And yes, people fight, and when people are angry.. They say and do things they wouldn’t normally do.. And you say that crying in front of your child(ren) is weak.. But it is not… It takes so much strength to express your feelings infront of people… I don’t know if I’m helping, I hope I am.. You are needed, Shanna needs you, your child(ren) need you… So many people would be crushed if you took your own life… I hope you make the right choice.. Again, thank you for living.. Thank you for your service, good luck and Semper Fidelis
I’m sure she doesn’t care.
I told her the decision I’ve made and she’s going out tonight. I’ve never felt so alone which is why I come here. I feel like I get more sound, unbiased advice from this website than I do from my own mother. I’ve tried to reach her in the most subtle of ways and she JUST DOESNT GIVE A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that talking about suicide can be traumatizing for anyone especially if they’ve never dealt with a suicidal person before. They don’t know how to deal with it. So if her way of coping is to bury herself in escapism by going out to have fun, you can’t blame her. I think you should take a break from talking with her for a while, remember her avoidance of your issues doesn’t automatically mean she doesn’t care about you, she’s likely just overwhelmed.
Do something to calm yourself, tell yourself “This will pass”, and know that all hope is not lost. This is where you leave her alone so you don’t make the situation worse between you two.
If you get through it I would so dump her sorry little arse and let some other fuck have her.
Hey I can’t think of a name how did you know all that stuff?
I hope it’s not a little weird, but I decided to go on your profile and read your two previous posts.. So yeah, again.. You are needed, and people do care
Yeah.. I hope you make the right choice.. And keep living, although I cannot change your decision… if you choose not to end your life, I hope things will get better for you… And you will be missed.. Thank you for living, thank you for your service.. Good luck and Semper Fidelis
Oh hey schiz… I’m not gonna “dump” her or “let some other fuck have her.” That’s not in the game plan dick hole
Hey.. I’m just saying.. killing yourself would be worse for her to cope with than you dumping her, in my opinion..
And if you can’t find a reason to keep going.. Let Shanna and your child(ren) be your reasons
Maybe you’re right
I don’t know what to do
be a good boyfriend and father.. You’re very important in their lives.. And you have to help and provide for the people you care about..
Hey I can’t think of a name… I am still alive. I started thinking about my kids. Then I started thinking about myself. Then I started to think about my dad and how i hope my kids don’t ever look at me in that light. Then I’ started thinking about how filthy my apartment was and decided to clean instead of the latter. Then I started thinking about how beautiful shanna is. And how she never went out tonight, even though she postured that way. I guess what I’m trying to say here is that since I’ve left the USMC I’ve never really found something I love and stuck with it. But I’m also stoned as shit. Thanks a lot for everything you said.
Oh and zalien that was some enlightening shit
Im glad you’re ok. 🙂