Are the people of society today kidding me? Like what is wrong with them all? Is it really funny to throw grapes at people while they’re talking to someone and it is none of their business to do anything like that?
A long while back earlier on the bus ride home from my high school I was pelted with grapes. There were no more than three, that hit but obviously were aimed at me and they were laughing about it! Is it really so funny to you to pick on people smaller and younger than you? For your information, and if I could snap my fingers I would, I am a sophomore, I am almost sixteen years old and compared to you, I am no more a kid than you are. You need to get off that high horse of laughter that allows you to hit me with grapes.
Some people really have no decency these days. Like I already have a headache and then those people begin hitting me with grapes because they think it’s funny that I have a worsening headache because of their shenanigans.
Little unedited note of my thoughts:
What is wrong with those people. I completely and full-heartedly enjoy being pelted by grapes. If it were just one, it must have been a mistake, if it were two, it’d be a bit too much especially with those laughs, three, that’s it, I am going up there and telling the supervisor, and oh they’ve already left but I don’t care I’ll still tell. They need to grow up. I like feel like crying out of frustration.
I guess it’s a bit of an over reaction but for one, I don’t like having things thrown at me, especially when I don’t know about it, and two I don’t like grapes. It’s just a little frustrating. People should know respect, and goodness I am somewhat sad to be apart of the same generation as them. They didn’t even try to hide the fact they were laughing! They could have at least done that but no.
Also on another totally unrelated note, was I the only one who didn’t know that the lifts or those huge bumps in the bus floor were for the tires?
Because now I feel dumb. Cause my friend was like, “How do you not know that?! What did you think they were? Floor decorations or something?”
“Kind of? They were just there, I never thought too much about it…”
I guess it’s cause I don’t pay too much attention to things like that cause I am too busy escaping the real world and noticing other little strings of information instead, like the licence plate on the car in front of us and comparing it to my family’s licence plate. I don’t know, I just feel stupid now…but y’know all is totally just completely fine, haha!
Well, you never hear about “homicide by grapes”.
That might be a good band name.
Death by Grape.
Homicidal Vine Fruit.
Aborted Wine.
Idk. Your story is sad but it’s funny. Has anyone in history ever been murdered by flying fruit?
Flying Fruit.
That’s a band name too.
Flying fruit? There’s really a band called that? And yeah h3h3, all those names would make a good band name, now if my parents would ever support me in my dream I will make a band called that and I don’t know, I am just spurting nonsense here, and well, I didn’t find it sad but I guess I am glad that someone has found it funny.
Also I know it’s been over *but I have been so busy with other things* I will mention just one more and scurry off to other replies,
Deathly Grape Vines
Actually that one sounded kind of weird. haha.
Maybe they were trying to feed you? like they did in ancient Rome, but with a contemporary twist. But no, seriously… young people usually do stupid things and find it completely funny if it makes no sense at all (don’t take it as an offense, because obviously you are not between those, or you would have been throwing grapes as well). It’s only a matter of watching most of the trending tv shows for a while and… pretty obvious that the average IQ of the population is pretty low.
@Morris: how about Suicidal Papayas? that way you could also reference sp (you are getting a bit obsessed with bands aren’t you? lol).
@Mf; Ohhh
Suicidal Citrus?
Suicidal Fruit?
Death by Vitamin C? (Then all the songs are in E).
I like how you think.
Let’s form a band. Zalien will cover lead vocals.
Those are good names haha. I didn’t completely get the joke on the Death by Vitamin C (why E? sounds so random) but made me laugh haha. I think i replied before that i was in if i didn’t have to do vocals (when you asked about the greatest hits album haha), so yeah, if somebody else is doing them why not 😀
Ancient Rome? Ha! I never made that connection although that is true. haha and yes, I actually have a pretty above average intelligence apparently compared to most so I try not to think about it, and that is mainly cause I never fit in with people my age, they either have to be older than me or younger than me for me to get along with them well somehow? But thank you for those kind (?) words of yours. (At least I thought they were pretty kind in some way I can’t explain but yeah)
I remember back when I was a teen, myself and 2 friends were going into the city and while driving we saw a truck parked on the roadside. One of my friends says “stop the car”. I looked and saw a sign which said “watermelons for sale”. My friend gets out and goes over to the guy selling watermelons and buys a huge watermelon and brings it back to the car. He gets in the passenger seat and just sits there holding the watermelon and laughing. I really had no idea what was going on.
We get to the city and my other friend who was driving accelerated to 60mph in the main shopping district which had people everywhere and the next thing this watermelon is launched out the passengers side window onto the road. It smashes into thousands of pieces and creates a mist of watermelon juice. All those pieces kept traveling at 60mph and dozens of people were covered in watermelon juice. Its was a strange thing to see but obviously very stupid thing to do but I admit, I laughed for a good solid hour at the time. When we are young we find the most stupid things to be funny. I guess I’m still young at heart even now.
There’s a difference to be drawn there. When things happen out of random they do make you laugh, but when they really upset or make somebody else feel bad it’s different, and it’s no different than bullying. We all have a sense of humor (or at least i think so), so yeah, i imagine watching a random watermelon flying must be funny, and i don’t know why but it just reminded me of the flying monkeys that mr burns kept on his office in the simpsons. Those always get a laugh out of me.
I think the only difference is the fact that one person is singled out to be a grape target but a whole crowd was the watermelon target. It really is still bullying whether it is focused on an individual or a group
“Grape Target”
Now that could be a band name
Oh, your friend tossed the watermelon out of the window, lol. I misread and somehow got the idea that it got propelled by itself (due to the speed increase of the car). My bad 😀
Haha, the 2 of them had it planned all along. I had no idea. That’s why when he bought it he just sat there holding it in his lap laughing. I didn’t know what his problem was. The driver accelerated to give the watermelon a bit more momentum.. It was impressive, like a watermelon fog.
That’s true, a lot of people do stupid things when they were young but I was (well I still am going to be living in it for a couple of years) raised in an extremely strict household, so two examples, no sleepovers at others houses (they were afraid I would be raped because apparently it almost happened once cause I was such an oblivious child and didn’t understand anything?), not allowed outside later than 9:00 for the same reason, and um, the only exception was my chorus concerts which were apart of my grade. Basically my whole life I have kind of felt like Rapunzel up in a tower because they never really let me go out much unless they really wanted to bring us out. I suppose it’s gotten better since my little brother came along.
Wow, sorry I got way off track! But yeah, I like to think that I am young at heart but also an old soul, I don’t know I am just weird, I like a lot of things on both sides of each spectrum haha. I probably would’ve laugh a little if I were not on the receiving end, and depending on the situation. :3
‘Watermelons For Sale’.
Great band name.
‘Death by Watermelon’
Ok, no one has ever thought of that before (or have they)?
You need to stand up for yourself. Try reading the following article:
Thank you for the advice and I will look at it as soon as I can!!! 🙂
I won’t make fun. I remember those days while I too rode the school bus. I personally didn’t have grapes thrown at me but I did have my set of uncomfortable things done to me which I won’t go into. I make no excuses to the children (yes children) who threw the grapes but it is a type of behaviour that is eventually grown out of. Back when I was on a school bus one of my fellow students (a child even though he was 13) threw spaghetti at a random pedestrian walking on the sidewalk. It was some time ago.
I hope that grapes are the least of your worries. Things definitely move on from grape throwing.
And yes, I am pretty sure you were the only one to not know about the tire wells…. I won’t spend time on this front.
Thank you, and ah I see, and well yes, grapes are the least of my worries, I just couldn’t get anything done though (which was a bad thing cause I had loads of work to do) until I vented it out. As of late I have had my first AP (well a college level class, it stands for Advanced Placement) class, which is Chemistry, and although a lot of people have called me crazy for this cause it’s like an impossible class. I am having fun and will do my best, even if it is extremely hard that no one actually passed the AP Test? I am not sure if it is accurate information though that no one has because I didn’t hear that from my teacher, but I believe trying with a positive outside look will improve things slightly! Plus I absolutely adore proving people wrong. Although that was one reason the other is because I have decided to become a doctor like my parents have always dreamed me to be one. Perhaps one for children. :3
So those are my worries, my AP Chemistry, my class that has us taking care of children and learning more about them! (Oh when I got in I was so surprised because oh my goodness I didn’t expect I would get in! Also I kind of laughed cause I had decided to take out Drama for that so being still apart of the theatre club I can see my old drama teacher being like, “Oh hello ‘Katriella’ You’re still here.” in his joking way, haha)
Don’t just take it LittleMissPurrfection, tell the driver, a teacher, an older sibling or parent. No one should be able to have fun at the expense of hurting someone else, even if it’s their ego.
I’d be the type to go back the next day and toss rotting strawberries at them-actually I’d go smear it on their face and if they escalate it then I’d pelt them raw eggs. If they didn’t learn their lesson still, then they’d get a beatdown of their life.
When I was a kid, I wouldn’t really think of such things, I’d try to avoid problems/bullies. Then I got older in my early teens and that’s when I quickly learned how to ‘win’ the game against them. It’s really a lot simpler than it seems-bullies are cowards and losers on the inside, which is why they never pick on someone their size or stronger.
In my case I went from being a skinny immigrant boy who occasionally got picked on, 100 lbs wet, to 185 lbs of hard muscle. I’m average height, my workout buddy (and great friend) was 6’4 and I’d bench-press a lot more than he could-size means nothing.
Sadly the bullies are never, ever to be found when you look like you could literally snap them in half with your bare hands. Anyhow bottom line here is don’t be a victim-take charge, even if you are a little girl, there are many ways to deal with these turds-don’t let them intimidate you.
A few hard slaps and they’ll be crying like little bitches and believe me they’ll never pick on you again. Someone just needs to set them straight. I also lived in a partly Italian neighborhood so I learned a lot about fighting, rivalries and so forth.
Actually I did tell someone, I told the bus supervisor as I said I would above in a little note of my thoughts, although she couldn’t do anything cause they had already left and I couldn’t recall their faces, although I am sure that the next day she had told everyone on the bus what happened and what she expects of them to act like because of what I told her. (We have a bus driver and then a bus supervisor, but she sits in the front which I think kind of defeats the purpose cause everything happens in the back, kind of why I dislike being in the back of the school bus, not including chorus field trip buses.)
I also wasn’t able to be there to see it though haha cause it wasn’t until Friday that I took the bus again cause I had stuff to attend to, and that my dad was all like come home and then we can go back to your concert, and I was like, Dad, I would only have like an hour to wait but once I get home I would only have like I don’t know, 30 minutes to get ready, but I still had to he said. The bus seemed quieter that day ahaha.
I know what you mean by size does not mean everything, for example, I second smallest (sometimes smallest) in my groups of friends, and I could outrun them all in heart beat no matter how tall they are (Sometimes they are literally over a foot taller than me, cause I am like under 5′ like one inch away, I was so close).
And that isn’t quite true for me because when I try and seem mad, or even when I am mad which is actually rare, it doesn’t exactly work cause I can’t look effectively mad. Or how everyone expects someone to look when they are mad. Actually it was the first time I have been bullied directly for the past what 8-10 years? So it was just a bit frustrating, I thank you for your advice! Maybe next time I will despite that I am not that kind of person.
When I was at school I tried to sit near the back of the bus once, where the older kids sat (I was 11 or 12)… so the older ones threw food packets at us and poured them on our heads. Other times they blew smoke in my friend’s face while she was waiting for the bus, and so on. They were 15 or 16 (in the top year group of our school; we were the youngest). People make a ton of excuses for ‘children’, but how long are you meant to wait for people to grow up? A while ago on a fitness site I was part of, a woman started a discussion because she was sick of the weights room in her gym. She worked at a university so it was full of young guys who went there with groups of friends. She was there on her own lifting heavy weights, and one time she fell over doing squats, so she could have been pretty hurt. A group of men there watched and laughed at her. Even if you laugh without thinking, I thought it was pretty low that none of them asked if she was okay. Loads of people in the discussion page were telling her to lighten up, and ‘they’re only young’. I was their age at the time and I couldn’t believe people could still use ‘being young’ as an excuse for being so stupid. They didn’t technically DO anything to her in that case, but she was still singled out and laughed at.
I think the people who do things like that are usually insecure, and lording it over other people is a way to feel better about themselves. If no one confronts them about it, some people stay that way for years, even a lifetime. I never went to college and now I’m out in the real world where people are much more considerate. So although you’ll always meet people like that from time to time, the good news is that you get away from most of them when you leave school.
Thank you for telling me about this! To be honest, you and your friend have been through way worse than me on the bus and out of it. I don’t think they really did anything to me cause my clumsiness and unbalanced self is already enough for them to laugh at with me tripping over without needing to try. That’s just terrible, and yes I agree with you I think they are most likely very insecure people that are trying to reserve their place as a “dominant” person in the “food chain” while pushing their insecurities to someone else. And yeah I get what you mean, although I have many years to come before I can actually get away from it with the plans that have been laid out in front of me in my future.
I guess I left school pretty early compared to some, but it’ll get easier. 🙂 Until then, just breathe – and find bigger fruit to throw back, haha. Just kidding. I know it can be really upsetting or infuriating, especially if you already feel bad. I think it’s great that you told someone, even if there was nothing they could do about it this time. I never did, and I think it’s bad for them and for the people they single out when people act like it’s normal – even when it’s only little things, they can add up to make people feel really bad. There were a ton of small things people said to me at school where I really wish now that I’d said something. I was just afraid of more nasty comments. But it’s not fair that you have to put up with them being that way. Don’t let them get to you too much, they’re not worth it. 🙂