I got here and my motivation tanked. I laid on the ground and cried for hours. I haven’t seen any more trains when there’s supposed to be over 100 a day, and they seem to move too slow. In any case, my first name is Seth. I live in Chicago. I’m in a public place. I’ll be back to work in the morning.
Hi Seth, I’ve always wanted to visit Chicago, and hopefully in the future, I can get around to it. I live in an area with a lot of trains as well, and as a matter of fact, they run right next to my school. Someone in my grade last year jumped in front of one last year, and it shook up the whole community. Some people from my school saw it happen and it was heartbreaking to see them try to get through the day with that image in their mind. So, I want to share how strong it is to pick yourself up off the ground and continue with life. That is one of the hardest things to do, and some of us have to do that everyday. I hope your day tomorrow improves, and you get your motivation back soon.
Don’t jump on a train.
The risk are very high to be disabled forever.
And the poor train driver, you kill him at the same time.
It’s too cruel !!!
I have nothing to live for. I’ll never be loved. I’ll only have to watch my dream guy hook up with tons of girls and ignore me. I can’t do this. I don’t want to turn 38 being single and never having had anyone in my life.
Don’t have a dream guy, there are no dream guys, there are only real guys, and you live with them, you realize they are not made of dreams.
You won’t be single at 38, I’m sure you’re still a teen, because only teens dream of idealized “dream guys”. If a boy was you kind of guys, be certain no human is unique. The things that you loved in this guy, you will find it in another person, but you have to meet a lot of people, and sometimes it takes time.
Love is not a dream. It’s the reason why people divorce so much, they marry dream guys and dream girls, and they end up with real persons.
Sorry but I turn 38 in November and all I have wanted in life was to have that one special person by my side.
Same for me. I always wanted a husband and a normal family. I don’t undestand how you talk about “dream guy” at your age. It’s for little girl, not women. Are you a virgin?
Society nowadays has no mercy.
I see people with boyfriends/girlfriend willing to end life.
I see people with loved ones wanting to end life.
Would them be willing to end their lives if they were in a similar situation as you are?
I can only relate to people who live in solitude, people who has others around them, children and loved ones, they don’t know nothing what is like to feel utterly alone.
No I’m not a virgin. You must be the young one. Once you get over 30 you will understand. Over 35 it will be a more pressing issue. Once you near 40, everything in your body will panic. My aunt tried to kill herself many times when she was almost 40 and single.
I’m not that young, but I like to pretend to be young :p
So, why you have a “dream boy”, it’s a long time since I lost my illusions, and don’t have “dream” boy anymore. Men are not perfect (neither we are) so how one of them could be your dream?
I’ve never been loved neither, and I don’t believe in male/female love anyway any more. So, it doesn’t exist, it’s normal I never knew it.
Because I have always had an idea of what I want in a man and he is everything I want.