I remember a couple days ago I kind of picked at him alittle bit on his 100 reasons to stay alive post. I guess it was a mixture of frustration and my offbeat sense of humor. Darvin your a good guy. We all got different perspectives on life and I’m sorry if I offended anyone. There’s not one person on here that I dislike.
I would like to apologize too, maybe I was too harsh that day. I mean this, I’m not trying to be nice.
Your contributions to SP are always more than welcome, wndozh8er.
Thank you so much my friend. I really appreciate that.
Thank you too for this post.
Your more than welcome
Same here, if i offended someone i apologize, but it was a good thing, you got us going for 110+ posts haha.
Haha it was a postgasm
That would explain the dildos.
I wish Duzo and Unlucky would pop up right now to keep discussing that. Oh well, we’ll have new chances.
I was somewhat surprised to learn that strawberry flavored edible jelly dildos are now available. I learn so much online.
No word yet on whether or not Teriyaki Chicken flavored dildos have hit the market. (Scientists are probably still working on that).
Fun fact – the oldest dildo discovered by archeologist is over 20,000 years old and made from smooth stone.
and the archaeologist used it on themselves
It’s a common misconception that lesbians don’t like penises. That’s not true. Lesbians do like penises, they just prefer not having a man attached to it.
Then she needs a shemale
Or a strap-on.
I feel these comments might be straying off topic ever so slightly.
Oh yeah, that was fun. That was a really slow, boring day for me here in my “real life”, so talking to you guys was great.
Lesbian archeologists? i go away for a couple of minutes and what do i find. For lord sake’s.
@Mf; Thank you for the Epiphone tips. I knew the headstock was vulnerable to breakage, the guys at Guitar-Mart told me an Epiphone gets accidentally beheaded once a week on average.
I’ll pamper her fret board with lemon oil every time I change the strings. And yeah, I tune her often. She’s moody. I hafta tweak her strings on a regular basis.
No complaints on the humbuckers, she wails like a Banshee. I do appreciate the feedback though, she and I are still getting acquainted (sore fingertips be damned).
Kinda forgot to tell you about it and i figured it got lost on the older posts, lol. The neck issue is common on les pauls but be glad you didn’t buy a Gibson… i don’t know why but those are more prone to the headstock popping out, even if they are 4-5x the price. What you can do about it is avoid abrupt temperature changes and keep it in some sort of stand (i do that my guitar, they are pretty cheap).
Tuners are crap but for the price it’s an awesome value, and tbh i miss the neck on the one i had, more comfortable neck i’ve ever played. If you want a fun time killer look up for a game called rocksmith, i practice a lot more often (if health lets me) thanks to it.
Right on.
Yeah, it is really therapeutic. Funny, Guitarcenter has a banner that reads “We sell the best feeling on Earth” when you walk in. That’s not entirely untrue.
I’ll probably get a sound processor (that hooks up to the amp) eventually for drum beats. I need to work on my timing. (That and my skill level). 🙂 My greatest hits debut album should be available by 2050.
The few moments of peace i’ve gotten in the past years have been thanks to music, so i think guitarcenter is kinda right. I’ve been saying i’ll record an album before dying for the last 10 years (even before i played regularly), but I’m pretty sure that i’ll be dead before feeling my playing is good enough to record something seriously.
I did went through a phase of getting a ton of gadgets, pedals, sound processors, virtual drums, and seriously, rocksmith (and the included cable) is the best and cheapest investment i’ve made in guitar so far, so give it a look when you can (ubisoft should pay me for advertising). You do need a pc or videogame console, but you can run that thing even on a toaster.
Right on. I’ll check it out.
Rocksmith. Hmm.
Wndozh8er, you don’t have to apologize to me. I really wasn’t offended by your post. 😀
P.s: you people are crazy, that’s why i like you so much. 😉
Who are you calling crazy!?
Crazy in a good way 😛 hahaha
Darvin is crazy
Yes i’m proud for being crazy!
well darvin is a bipolar bear, after all…
No i shouldn’t say that, it might offend bipolar people
Hahahaha… i’m feeling so high right now. 😀
Press 1, and imagine how powerful you would be if you were a real polar bear! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAR! (you are only a plush toy for now) 😛
I pressed 1 and imagined how powerful I would be if I was a real faerie dragon!!!! (what noise do they make again)????
oh wait you don’t live in the north pole. the sunflowers will melt you, sorry I thought you were a snowman. You are a plush toy polar bear. where else do polar bears live?
What’s a faerie dragon?
just put in google or whatever search engine you use ‘faerie dragon’ and you will see..
Faerie dragons are so annoying to take out at heartstone