“not enough” The message that’s been drove into me since a child, sometimes directly but mostly indirectly through culture and family. As a Christian why should I feel like I’m not enough? Because that’s all I know on this earth right now. I find myself discouraged, not enough drive, “not enough good grades, you’re a failure , your faith is not strong enough, your mind is twisted.” The messages clouding my mind, not irrational, for they are loud and clear coming from the family and pastors. Perhaps I’m just prideful when I come up with the idea that, “hey, maybe all this pressure and constant discouragement is the pollution” , that “i am OK, but maybe the ones that try to help me are misguided in trying to fix a soul and put conditions on love.” But who am I to say this stuff. I’m nothing but a depressed kid, with suicidal thoughts, never to be respected, never to be enough, but probably missed when I’m gone. Ironic isn’t it?
Let me tell you something, as long as you think that you tried and didn’t fake to try then it wasn’t ”not enough” don’t let such a stupid thing such as ”normality” rule you, you are your, you aren’t someone that should be judged and compared to others. Basically nobody can be ”not enough” they are themselves. Society just put rules for people who are too weak to rule themselves and they put “normality” to make them productive for their own good. But from what I read you are plenty strong to be able to live under these circumstances, even if you have suicidal though so you should be able to rule yourself. If the society wants to rule you why don’t you just rule yourself? I’m not saying that you should go against your belief and what you were taught or something like that. I’m just saying that you should try to open something like a pad on your computer and write what you aren’t ok with, what you are ok with and how you would like to live, then from that try to write your own self rules and live by those rules, don’t let other put you down, you have much more value as a human than that.
Hey there, for what its worth you sound like you’re pretty switched on, given you are considering what you understand and are told versus what you know in yourself. I completely agree with BrokenDreams and the notepad suggestion (I’m a big fan of lists when looking to.understand myself). Find your own path with morals that you are happy with and I’m sure you’ll do just fine.
Funnily enough just cos some are older and appear to have all the answers, it doesnt make them right. I know cos I’m one of them hahaha!
Chin up and crack on 🙂