The moment you put a gun to your head and debate if your life is worth living through all the hard times is when you’ve hit the bottom. I’m sitting alone because no one can do anything to help me anymore. I can’t help myself anymore. I’ve tried for better days but it seems that my days keep getting worste. I’m tired, my body is tired of taking the pain that the world is throwing at me. You think divide is selfish? What is selfish is the people in this world pushing people to the point of sucked. I’m not going to discuss problems on here because no one knows until they are in your shoes. I’m sorry guys. Have a nice day ????
No idea what your situation is, but surely the fact that you haven’t yet pulled the trigger suggests there’s still some strength left inside you to cope with all the crap?
It is tough…. I understand a little about things getting worse. I’m in a self-described abyss from which I won’t return.
I right there with you. Lost in a sea with no beginning and no end, just an endless storm of madness.
I want the courage to pull the trigger. I’ve found a gun store. Thinking of getting a gun soon. I’ve researched different ways. But from what people are saying, this is the only sure way
Even then its not always sure…the bullet can bounce around leaving you alive and worse off than before. Make sure to at least get hollow points.
I bought a gun last week, but the only thing that resolved is that I no longer obsess about wanting to get one. :). Still trying to decide if this life is worth sticking with.
And there is no perfectly reliable way. I spent an hour or two last night researching the best angle to use. The results I found were less than encouraging. Seems almost a stroke of luck if you’re successful and don’t just end up horribly maimed.
Frightening thought, isn’t it? Either live your in a depressed untold misery or take a chance and hope that you get it right and don’t end up worse off.
@ironman22, like so many questions in life, there’s probably no right answer, just which one can you come up with the best justification for.
It is for my exit that I wish it was easy to get a gun in Canada… handguns are pretty much illegal in Canada (special permits have to be had to both own one and carry it which make the exception). Long guns are “easier” but appropriate licensing has to be had. United States… having a pulse meets minimum criteria (pulse optional in Texas I am sure) .
This is true, I have friends from Texas, they say its the easiest thing in the world to get one. I mean after all…it is the cowboy state. 😛 Must be nice!
In TX, don’t they automatically file a CCW permit with your birth certificate?
Many first time gun owners buy a firearm with the intention of using it to end their life. There are statistics on this, and gun shop employees (as well as firearms manufacturers) are also aware of this.
A responsible seller of firearms might think twice before selling a gun to someone who looks and acts like they want to blow their brains out. This is true even in the “gun easy” states. It’s one of those sticky moral questions, ya know?
I’ve talked to gun shop employees about this topic before and their responses varied. Some said “if a customer passes the background check and they can pay then I’ll sell em a gun”. Others have told me if they sense red flags they won’t sell a depressed looking customer a gun. I talked to one guy, an elderly gun shop owner in his 80’s, who told me that he once sold a woman a gun and she used that gun to kill herself a few hours later. He said that he felt no guilt because he didn’t pull the trigger and it was her choice to make. She had purchased the gun legally, and what she does with it is her business. Other gun sellers don’t want to assist suicidal people (which is understandable). If you have a conscience it would be a mind f*#k knowing you helped someone facilitate their demise.
I made it a point not to buy in my home town, in case they saw my name in the obits.
Also, the clerk said the bg check usually takes half an hour or longer. Mine came back clear in 30 seconds. Not sure what that might suggest about my intended fate.
Very well put.
I truly wish I had a gun. I know how it feels.