does anyone need to get anything out it doesnt matter what its about it could be anger or sadness or happy or funny just absolutely anything. im here to talk with you and listen to you
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I am really fucking lonely. I moved to a new city to go to college and it’s 35 minutes from my family and all my friends. I had thought it was a good idea to move away because I can’t stand the people I went to school with (besides my friends). So I wanted a fresh start where no one knows me. Except I’m too damn quite because I’m too damn awkward and can’t stand the thought of embarrassing myself. I haven’t made a single friend in two weeks except my roommate. So I go to school and come home and thats it. Occasionally I go to the store.
I did get a job so I’m hoping that will help me make some friends, but right now I’m just having a really hard time adjusting to being lonely all the time.
I’d be willing to talk to you. I’m pretty fuckin’ lonely here too. I just moved to a new city — not even settled yet really, and I have nobody here. Miles from anybody I know. I’ve been alone most of my life yet I was surrounded by people. I’d like things to slowly change however. I like to talk most of the time but I got nobody to talk to. And you can only talk to walls for so long, eh?
That would be really nice. I would love to have someone to chat with
I have my walls and my cat, who I swear is judging me every second. He always gives me a look like he thinks I’m the biggest loser on the planet.
So a change of conversation from the two sounds great to me
lol cats are super fuckin judgmental. one bad look from a cat and my self esteem is gone. send me an email at desolateprophecy @ hotmail . com
im very lonely. ive lived here most of my life ive been homeschooled since 4th. i hve one real friend. known her since 1st i love her. but shes always busy so i dont talk with her much. other than that all of my friends are online. yeah i love them all but it just doesnt fill the void. loneliness is one of the most horrible things
well damn I was hoping making online friends would make it all better, but I guess there is no comparison to having someone right there with you… loneliness sucks
Alright, I share something. Pretty much everybody in my family who was responsible for raising me FAILED. Either they stopped caring or just lost contact. Now im sittin here only 14 years old and theirs pretty much nobody stable to raise me. my dads dead, my moms a drug addict, and pretty much the only other person in my family I was close to who was capable of raising me was my grandma. But now shes really sick and doesn’t even live on her own. Not to forget she lives across the country, literally. If things keep on continuing the way they are right now, within the next year I’ll be either dead or in prison. In prison most likely for hacking charges. Im thinking of getting into that.
youre gonna be alright i just want you to know that. i am here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. i couldnt possibly understand what youre going through and i dont dare say i have something like it. but i am lonely depressed and sheltered. my parents are religious and way too strict i know it isnt much and i shouldnt complain but idk it just isnt fun. nothing seems to be anymore.
I went to get a burger after work last night at this spot I usually go to when I want a good beef burger. I was overly polite to the cashier as always so that, even if she was having a bad day, she wouldn’t take it on me. I buy burgers from there pretty regularly so I recognized the blond girl taking my order. We got to talking about the long weekend that just passed and when I told her I was hanging at a park on the Monday, she mentioned that she lives right across from there but has never gone. She seemed genuinely nice and even gave me a discount on my burger and fries; I wanted to say more but my cowardice creeped up (along with other customers) so I just waited silently for my meal and then left.
I’ve been thinking about her since then, replaying our conversation and wishing I could go back and ask her out. I could have asked why she’d never gone to the park (it’s really beautiful) and then offered to go with her sometime. I’m not ugly, and she wasn’t balls to the walls beautiful, but I just don’t want to have anything to do with any kind of rejection right now. Plus, I was thinking about it last night and I’m pretty sure that they’re paid to be nice and friendly. Not just the workers at the burger place that I go to, but all cashiers/waiters/servers etc. I’ve been in this situation many times, where a waitress or whoever was serving me and was really nice, and I came under the impression that there was more to it than just generic hospitality.
I feel like such an idiot for not being able to tell the difference between someone that actually likes me and wants to be in my company as opposed to someone just paid to be. I’m sure it’s difficult for everyone to some degree, but still. My thoughts are driving me crazy. There’s no harm in asking someone out, I guess, except for the ocean of self-loathing that I drown in when it doesn’t work out.
TL;DR I’m a *****
she sounds nice. maybe you could go back to the place and see if shes working and you could talk to her again and ask her to go to the park. itll be fine. and hey if it works out thatll be extremely lovely. if not then hey she isnt the right girl and the right girl will come along soon i promise. just take it slow and let love do the rest