I thought the therapy was great at the time while I was in the psyche ward. Problem is, what really helped was the “friends” I thought I made. I have severe attachment issues and can’t stand to be alone and rejection brings out my PTSD. If they was going to do therapy, it should have been some sort of 1 on 1 thing. Now I feel this huge empty void again but without the suicidal thoughts. Because nobody returned my calls and deleted my friends request on Facebook, my self confidence is one again in a graveyard. I’d be right where I was if I didn’t even go to the psyche ward. They should have just released me from the ER like I wanted in the first place. I’m sure it will help some people and I thought it helped me.
People move forward differently. In a psych ward, social friends can help pass the time and make the situation more tolerable. I speak from experience. Once past the ward, it can be difficult for those friendships to further develop. Again I speak from experience. It wouldn’t surprise me if people just want to put their ward stay behind them.
Very true. I wish I knew what they really thought about me.
I’m sure they have no problems with you. They probably think it was cool to spend time with you. Now regular life has returned and there are other things pulling at them.
Perhaps they have ‘moved on’, but its still no excuse for them to be so rude afterwards
I’m sure a lot of people have said the same of me, that I don’t have to be so rude, but whenever I am rude, it’s because I’m too afraid to make the human contact to do or say the right thing. Maybe give them the benefit of the doubt because you all did meet in therapy after all. They might want to be friends but are afraid of bringing yet another person into their world because they’re still battling their own demons.
Making friends is so hard, and it just gets harder the older you get. Are there any other groups you could join? I know the AA community is pretty tight knit and usually the friendships are long lasting if you get into a good group.
Sadly I’m like you and I think they’re just selfish people who don’t care. That’s what I think about my friends too when they stop talking to me.
I wish it were not true. I wish people were actually kind, understanding, and not insanely selfish….
Are there any outpatient programs you can try? It might help since its like inpatient group therapy only you get to go home everyday.
It’s unfortunate but even depressed/suicidal people can be a-holes. The second time I was admitted to the adolescent psych ward I was actually bullied in there. One girl said I look bad with short hair. Another girl I thought I connection with, called me a weirdo to her family (she didn’t think I heard) and complained to staff so they would move me to another bedroom.
Sorry, just sharing experience. I agree with what .. (dot dot) said. Looking for some outpatient group therapy might help. Maybe you work better when you’re in therapy with others instead of one on one. It will at least give you more opportunities to get out of your comfort zone (I know that’s not easy but avoidance doesn’t help, it only feels like it does.)
I met someone in the psych ward who stalked me for months when I turned down their romantic advances, so being ignored isn’t the worst thing that could have happened. :p
I’d rather have someone obsessed with me than ignore me
well, maybe not too obsessed, like stalking though. Some stalkers are very messed up…
Though i hate being rejected as well by someone i like, but i wont stalk someone if they don’t like me.
i think somewhere in the middle is good