This is getting really difficult now.
I had a meeting with the crisis team last Friday, the lady was so lovely I just wanted to say “you could be this amazing person to someone who isn’t visualising themself jumping off a building right now”.
She said she was concerned. That the only thing holding me back from killing myself is the impact of who finds me etc. I’ve read too many things of train drivers who are emotionally scarred by someone jumping in front of them etc.
But it is something I am thinking of less and less as the overwhelming feelings of nothingness take over me.
I feel so detatched now from everyone. I don’t even know where to begin.
Apologies for the rambling but my mind is a bit screwed right now.
Anyway I’m seeing this worker again tomorrow so I’ve got nothing to lose by being honest.
I’m glad you’re talking to people about it. Nothing to lose and hopefully something to gain. Fingers crossed. 🙂
I’m sorry for everything you’re going through. I find that detachment really hard to cope with. Good luck to you. I hope something good comes out of it. 🙂
“I feel so detached now from everyone” that is one of the great and worst feelings, because at the same time it feels empowering, but it also makes you weak.
Contradictory thoughts inside a blank mind can be very messy.
I hope you get better.
Don’t lose hope.